
Where can you rent a house for only one dollar a month?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Not sure bout a room but you could muster up a sweet padded cardboard box filled with newspaper down a cleanish alley way with that dollar...

  2. In a dream land, Wish I lived there :)

  3. On the street its free. You might have to pay for the cardboard box and food but they have soup kitchens so you'll be right

  4. At your parents house.

  5. in california----the apt where i live have renters actually recieving $11 each mo from state after state pays their rent!!  not sure how but i promise it is so----they have no income and are on section 8 i do know that much

  6. ethiopia, they say the food is free too.

  7. maybe small village in india.......enjoy

  8. Its depend on you live, check small country town they may over your place for very cheap rent because they need people to stay in that country town.

    some country town in australia actually offer you very low rent may be not exactly $1/month but $1/week is prety close.

    Hope it helps and good luck.


  9. In a squad

  10. only where there's a family connection or business consideration (such as working to remodel the house while renting it, or as a caretaker)

  11. Hmmm....Canada has low income housing where your rent is geared to your income.  If you don't make much, then you don't pay much.

    Co-op housing is also geared to income and you have to sign an agreement to help out with grounds upkeep for the whole community, lawn care, plumbing, painting, etc.  

    But neither are as cheap as $1/month

  12. Some third world country might......

  13. Hmmm, I'm mystified as to why you are searching for a place that rents an entire house for only a dollar a month!  If you owned a house, would you be willing to rent it out to someone for that amount?

    The words, "you get what you pay for" enter your mind?

    The less the rent is, the conditions are worse.  

    If you just want to get back on your feet for a couple months, contact friends and relatives (if you haven't burned those bridges).  Save up enough to get into a decent residence.

    There's no place like home.  "Your gonna miss this..." as the song goes.  Ahhhh when I was growing up and didn't have to think about BILLS!!!!

    But alas, my parents have passed and I'm on my own.  I'm blessed to have a job.  (Not easy these days, so many people are losing their income).  If you are one of those who has become recently unemployed take heart and stay strong.  There are jobs, maybe not the ones you would like, but they pay.  Look it as many experiences.  Try lots of jobs.  I heard of a man who is writing a book about a different job every week.  It wouldn't be for me, but he has learned a lot.

    Again, think about what only a dollar will buy.  Not much these days.  You can't even pay for the gas to mow someone's lawn to earn some $$$.

    Good luck and  blessings as you discern your future.

  14. saddly u cant

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