
Where can you visit an alpaca farm in peru?

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Where can you visit an alpaca farm in peru?




  1. You can go to the zoo here in Lima to visit alpacas, alpacas farm can usually be found in the andes, in puno or cuzco...

  2. Oh my goodness, there are tons!  If you're going to Peru you'll probably be going to Cuzco and Machu Picchu, so once you're there visit a tourist office (there are thousands to choose from) and ask them.  They will most likely be able to hook you up with a little day trip to a farm.  Also, if you go to Machu Picchu, they have alpacas just wandering around the mountain and you can take pictures and whatnot with them there if that's what you're going for.  In the Sacred Valley (around Cuzco) there are a lot of cute little towns that you can stay in and you'll be more likely to find little farms out there as well.  Good luck!

  3. Alpacas (and llamas and sometimes vicunas and guanacos) can be found throughout the highlands, for example on the way to the Colca Canyon in Arequipa. You can check them out in any of the nature preserves or national parks in the highlands. Or just wandering around.

  4. There are a few alpaca farms in the UK now if you don't want to go all that way.

  5. well im from peru and if you wanna see alpacas you have to go to los andes, go to puno cuzco or  arequipa

  6. There are many in Perú; The provinces that have the most population of alpacas are Puno ( 397 700) Cusco ( 400 877) and Arequipa (284 000) ...well, I found the info in an article in spanish (it's below) ; but I don't know about it ..I mean, I live in Cusco but we haven't heard of much cities where alpaca wool is produced, instead we always asociate the alpaca wool with the city of Arequipa ; the climate over there is more appropiate for them I think ,..there is one farm in the city of Caylloma in Arequipa.

    I hope this helps, good luck!

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