
Where can you you find cannabis in Belfast?

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  1. Dude the surf,s up.

  2. You shouldn't be taking drugs it is illegal but I'm sure if you wanted some you could get some around the university area from some terrorist drug dealer

  3. Cannibis is illegal..even in Belfast! There has been some talk of reclasification to make it legal to pocess.  The Home Secretary has recommended that cannabis should be reclassified to a Class B drug.

    The decision reflects the fact that skunk, a much stronger version of the drug, now dominates the UK's cannabis market.

    Skunk has swept other, less potent, forms of cannabis off the market, and now accounts for 81% of cannabis available on our streets, compared to just 30% in 2002.

    Targeting the young

    It's a drug that targets young people. The average age at which users first try skunk is 13, and young people may 'binge' on skunk in the same way they drink alcohol, trying to achieve the maximum effect.

    If they do, the independent Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs found that this can seriously impact their mental health.

    If approved by Parliament, reclassification would take effect from early 2009.

    Key facts

    The change would mean:

    more robust enforcement against cannabis supply and possession - those repeatedly caught with the drug will not just receive cannabis warnings

    a new strategic and targeted approach to tackling cannabis farms and the organised criminals who run them

    the introduction of additional aggravating sentencing factors for those caught supplying cannabis near further and higher educational establishments, mental health institutions and prisons

    possible changes to legislation and powers used to curtail the sale and promotion of cannabis paraphernalia

    Stronger enforcement of the law

    The Home Secretary has asked the Association of Chief Police Officers to propose stronger enforcement measures for policing cannabis.

    These rules should make it clear that penalties for adults must be more strict, and that officers should not be prevented from arresting people for breaking the cannabis laws, even if it is their first offence.  

    Current penalties related to cannabis

    Until the reclassification is approved, cannabis remains a Class C drug. Penalties are listed below.

    Penalties for supply, dealing, production and trafficking

    The maximum penalty is 14 years imprisonment. This has increased from five years for all class C substances including GHB and Valium. (The maximum penalty of 14 years' imprisonment is the same for Class B drugs.)

    Penalties for possession

    The maximum penalty was reduced from 5 years to 2 years imprisonment in 2004, but it will return to 5 years if Parliament approves the reclassification to Class B.

    Young people in possession of cannabis

    A young offender in possession of cannabis will be arrested and taken to a police station where they can receive a reprimand, final warning or charge depending on the seriousness of the offence.

    Following one reprimand, any further offence will lead to a final warning or charge. Any further offence following a warning will normally result in a charge being brought. After a final warning, the young offender must be referred to the Youth Offending Team to arrange a rehabilitation programme to prevent reoffending.

    This police enforcement is consistent with the structured framework for early juvenile offending established under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.

    Adults in possession of cannabis

    It is unlikely that adults caught in possession of cannabis will be arrested. Most offences of possession result in a warning and confiscation of the drug. But some instances may lead to arrest and possible caution or prosecution, including:

    repeat offending

    smoking in a public place

    instances where public order is threatened

    possession of cannabis in the vicinity of premises used by children

  4. University area is your best bet. Around Botanic Avenue. It's easy enough to find

  5. its illegal   ?

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