
Where candlelight dinner in bangalore ??

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with my financee on her birthday, i wanna go. give details of ur favourite food there if possible.

also cost..




  1. Tiger Bay is a speciality resatuarant.. that serves wonderful Seafood....besides the food being good the location is even better. Its on MG Road and you can treat your tastebuds as well at Tiger Bay . A bit on the pricey side but worth it especially if you want to try out exotic seafood .At Tiger Bay there is not just Thai, continental, and English flavours, but also our very own Goan, Bengali, Parsi, Kerala, and Manglorean delicacies .

    Theme: Seafood

    Price: US$11-20  

    Comparison: more expensive than average

    Address: Top Floor , Bombay Store , M G Road

    Directions: Ask anyone on MG Road for Bombay Store

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