
Where could I find this statue and painting?

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I was watching a show while it was on the Travel Channel here in the U.S. called Francesco's Italy Top to Toe. I really liked it and Francesco showed where there is a statue of Jesus that someone made where He is laying down and has a blanket over him or something. And from one direction it looks like He's suffering but when you walk away and look at it from another angle, it looks like He's at rest. If anyone knows which statue this is and where I could find it in Italy (city, the name of the place) I would appreciate it.

Also, Francesco showed the original painting of "The Last Supper". Does anyone know what the name of the place would be to find this? I believe its in Milan? But I'm not sure.

If anyone could give me the address, name of the place, or any info at all on how I could find these 2 things if I would visit Italy someday, it would be appreciated.




  1. ☻Cappella San Severo (Naples)

    Cristo Velato or the Veiled Christ

    Hours: Wed-Mon 10am-6:30pm

    Address: Via F. de Sanctis 19

    Location:Near Piazza San Domenico Maggiore

    Transportation Bus: E1, R1, R3, R4, or 24

    Phone 081-5518470

    Prices Admission 5€ ($6.50)

    At the center is Giuseppe Sammartino's remarkable alabaster Cristo Velato or the Veiled Christ (1753), one the most successful and convincing illusions of soft reality crafted from hard stone, depicting the dead Christ lying on pillows under a transparent veil.

    ☻Santa Maria delle Grazie (Milan) is famous for the mural of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, which is in the refectory of the convent.

    Hours  Last Supper: Tues-Sun 8am-7:30pm (may close at 1:45pm in winter). Church: Mon-Sat 7:30am-noon and 3-7pm, Sun 7:20am-12:15pm and 3:30-9pm (may close earlier in winter)  

    Location: Piazza Santa Maria delle Grazie

    Transportation Metro: Cardona or Conciliazione

    Phone Last Supper: 02-8942-1146, Church: 02-467-6111

    Web site:

    Prices Admission 6.50€ ($8.15) plus a booking fee of 1€ ($1.25). Church: Free admission


  2. The first piece of artwork that you refer to must be the "Veiled Christ" in the Chapel of San Severo in Naples. It is a marble sculpture of Jesus after his cruxifiction covered in sheet.

    Here is a link to some photos of the sculpture:

    And info on the Chapel and how to get there:

    The second masterpiece is Leonardo DaVinci's Last Supper, known in Italian as Il Cenacolo Vinciano. It is indeed located in Milan at the church of Santa Maria della Grazie. If you want to see this fresco, be sure to make reservations in advance as the number of people let in to view it daily are limited and it oooks up quickly.

    It is not the original painting of the Last Supper but considered one of the best and certainly the most talked about recently thanks to "The DaVinci Code." Here is a link for info on the fresco and reservations:

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