
Where could I get a crossover to hook a car sub up to my reciever?

by  |  earlier

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I want to hook a car sub up to my stereo reciever but I need a crossover and I don't know where to find one. Can you help?




  1. you don't NEED a crossover, but you NEED an amp to power the sub because the radio cant push out the necessary wattage and all amps have built in crossovers that can be tuned

  2. You can buy a crossover at any audio store that carries car audio stuff.  They usually have RCA in and out and you put it before the amp.  They're around $30.  If you don't have any decent car audio stores then look on ebay.  Just search for "crossover" and you'll find an even cheaper one.  But you could just get a cheap car amp with a built in crossover.  Almost every decent amp has a static crossover set permanently to around 80Hz.  The better ones have an adjustable crossover aka low pass filter that you can set yourself.  I bought three turbo cheap amps at a police auction and only one of them has a built in, static crossover.  Btw I dunno what exactly you mean by "stereo receiver" but if you mean the one in a home theater system as in inside your house, you'll definitely want to read this article about how to hook it up and power it indoors.

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