
Where could I get the services of strip searching my appartment for hidden microphone and electronic device?

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I f I suspect my appartment to be bug by hidden electronic devices where and how could I found out about it. I want to be able to launch legal procedures against the author of this act with strong evidence so that I can nail them down for good. How much would it cost you think?

I'm not a criminal and there is no legal reason for law enforcement to investigate on me, it as to be of criminal nature from some sort of criminal organisation or individual.

I would appreciate that the answer stick to the posted question more then the details of why and what not.




  1. Just call the police and tell them whats up, and they will surely do something about it.

  2. Paranoia strikes deep.

    Into your life it will creep.

    It starts when you're always afraid.

    You step out of line, the man come and take you away.

    ~ For What It's Worth, Buffalo Springfield

    Considering the cost in both equipment AND manpower to mount such an eavesdropping effort, not to mention collection of the material, you have to ask yourself what it is about you that's so worth someone's time and effort.  But there are services that can do a sweep of your apartment although it's very costly.  Talking between $500 - $1000.  More if you want to track down the receivers and want surveillance to see who might be collecting it.  And all they can do is find the bugs.  They still can't identify who put them there without the surveillance.

    Not knowing your particular town or city, you can check your yellow pages for private detective agencies or security consultants.

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