
Where could a 16 yr old get a job ?

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in st paul mn




  1. The beach or the hospitals like a nurse or Florists. good luck finding a good job.

  2. Jobs for 16 years old: Depending on local laws, you can work outside school hours in non-hazardous jobs (restaurant and retail gigs are fine). But your hours are limited, especially on school days, when you can work a maximum of three hours a day. This increases to a maximum of eight hours a day on Saturday and Sunday. The maximum you can work in a week while school is in session is 18 hours, and this increases to 40 hours during the summer.

    You should also know that while the U.S. government doesn’t require you to have any special paperwork or documents saying it’s OK for you to work, your state may. Some states require these documents (also known as “working papers”) for teens under 18. Ask your school guidance office or career center if they have the forms to fill out – and to provide you with assistance. You can also check with your state’s labor department by typing in the following Web address into your Internet browser:


    The U.S. Department of Labor has a number of helpful resources for teens on its website covering following topics:

    • Agricultural employment

    • What are “hazardous” jobs?

    • Additional age restrictions and state labor laws

    Simply type the following Web address into your Internet browser and you should be able to  find answers to all of your questions:

  3. mall

  4. You can get a job working in a restaurant washing dishes or busing tables.  Practice with a tray when you have your foot in the door because it can lead to a good waitressing job.  If they serve alcohol you have to wait until you are of age to serve. Try a diner like Denny's or others that do not serve alcohol.  I put myself through college waiting tables.  You must have good balance and I suggest practicing carrying non breakable cups and tumblers.  It is hard work and it pays well.  Please avoid those quick money schemes we all have seen pop up on these sites.  they lead to no where and what do you tell future employers?  That you stayed home on the computer duping people?

  5. anywhere basically.

    at restauraunts, publix, mall like stores

    anywhere you like

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