
Where could i find a job if im 14?

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I am a really good singer an i model.




  1. At 14 it may be hard to find a job.  Sometimes there is an elderly person that needs help around their house or in their yard.  Girls can mow lawns and rake leaves, too.

  2. you can always babysit

  3. You could babysit or work at a pizza place or something.

  4. i think you can babysit or even more fun ...dogwalk..:)

  5. Wild Rivers

    You can sell tickets and food and stuff.

    ***Applicants must be at least 16 years of age to be eligible for the position of Ride Attendant. As per the American Red Cross, the age requirement for Lifeguard applicants is 15 years old. Applicants for most other positions MUST be at least 14 years of age on the day of the interview.

  6. Maybe you could make up flyers and place them in your neighbors newspaper slots (not suppose to use the mailbox, it's illegal). On the flyer mention some services you are willing to perform and mention you have reasonables rates.

    How about baby-sitting, dog-sitting, cat-sitting (while neighbor is away), feeding pets, walking pets after school if they can't get home on certain days. Offer to mow the lawn, shovel snow, rake leaves, clean flower beds. Pick up their mail when they're away on vacation.

    Make yourself visible, take walks in the neighborhood so you are familiar to the neighbors. Be friendly, say hello, wave to them. If you're passing by and their out, ask how they are. They would be more likely to have you "Help around the House", if they feel they already know you abit.

    Working at a fast food place or movie theater may be a possibility, but they may be looking for youth 16 and above. Besides, you would be committed to working every weekend at places like this.

  7. babysit around your neighborhood. volunteer somewhere.

    get in trouble with the city,and they'll put you in community service.I did that when I was 14. Threw waterballs at the city bus,cracked the windshield. did community service,and worked in the court house filing traffic tickets, it was great.

    I still wished I worked there, and I'am no

    ohyah. how about dog washing in the neighborhood,its almost summer,and that would be fun too. have a bake sell. hmmm,I dont know. go to the rec centers and see. I'm sure you'll find something. Have fun.

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