
Where could i get a job? i am turning 15 tomorrow

by  |  earlier

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i live in alvarado and have not got a car




  1. Do NOT get a job at a chain grocery store like safeway you will straight up regret it  

  2. This is the answer no kid wants to hear.... FAST FOOD RESTARAUNT. Unless your uncle, or dad , or friend, etc. can hook you up. If you have no skills, then nobody will give you a break. Just take the plunge & get that first job under your belt. Assuming there is a fast food rest. within walking distance. If not then find some elderly people in you neighborhood & ask about mowing, cleaning their grage, etc.. Maybe look on craigs list or in your local paper. You'll probably have to settle for junk work, but maybe not. If you're really worried about it pray really hard tonight before you go to bed. When we pray an ernest prayer in distress God will answer.

  3. Have you ever considered a online home based business (job). This is the only legit online home based business I have found that really works. Check it out, its free to join... and if you enjoy shopping... thats a bonus!

    <a href=" src="

  4. UPS...i work there i am 18

  5. im going to say from your avitar and name hot topic

  6. You don't need to work. You better relax while you still can, the summers of freedom will be over until retirement soon. Money is overrated anyhow.

  7. grocery store

  8. I'm only 16 and i got an office job as an intern in downtown from a local organization. search for an organization affiliated with your own school district and they may have something great for you. bare in mind that most office jobs ask a lot of you...the most important is helpfulness and having a positive attitude. office jobs aren't as hard and tiring, yet they have better pay than most food-related jobs.

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