
Where could one adopt a rescued dog or other pet in Germany?

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Another asker couldn't find help in the 'pets' category, but I thought perhaps we could get an answer here?




  1. you must look under '' tierheim '' and the name of the town....

  2. You should visit a Tierheim, that's right. But don't believe that it's very easy to get a pet by them. The Tierhim will really check out if you can offer a good place and I know some people qho had best conditions but would not get a pet maybe just because of the fact that their flat is not on the country...

  3. Try going to pick the breed you are looking for and usually on that sight there are also rescue organizations listed

  4. I'd go with redneckgirl's answer.

  5. from what i know the German tierheime wont let Americans adopt pets since most of them end up back in one. just so you know.and what redneckgirl said is right

  6. The places in Germany are called "Tierheim". But don't input that into Google because you may come up with pages where you have to pay! It's better to look for a certain Tierheim in a specific city, eg Tierheim Nürnberg. If you want to get a pet from a private person go to a page like this: (click on Tierwelt) (click on Tiere)

    Sometimes you have ads in there about pets from Kroatia, Greece etc.

  7. well in Germany i believe there might be a SPCA where you could try and find out how to adopt a dog..... at least that is my first idea.......

  8. Ask around where yoou could find a tierheim, it serves the same purpose as a dog pound does in America.


  9. In Germany mostly each city has a shelter for rescued pets/unwanted pets. It is called a Tierheim. (Animal Home). You can go to a Tierheim and get a pet to adopt. They will not however give you a pet without a positive interview. If you passed the interview, then you can choose a pet to take home. You pay a small fee to help support the Shelter. Also the Tierheim will periodically check up on the pet to see that it really did get a good home and they will take it away from you again if necessary . There are also several other private homes for unwanted pets. They stay there until they get a good home or until their lives have ended. In Germany we do not euthanize a perfectly healthy animal. If noone wants them they will remain in the home for their live span. Also the same applies to the Tierheim. Germany also helps other countries establish animal shelters and even takes some of the animals back to Germany to find a home.

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