
Where could you buy Alice Cullens dress from the newest group shot of the Cullens?

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XD Sorry guys I just ment that the picture was the most recent not that they came out with a new one. Sorry again! It's the one on the cover of the calender?

Thanks for the suggestions!




  1. just take the photo to a dress maker.

    simplifies a search a fair bit

  2. Hi,

    You are in soooo much luck!  I do not even know how I came across this dress but I have.  You see I wanted to dress up as Alice Cullen for Halloween (you know be just one of the Cullens) and was going to have my dress made or just buy one that looked like it on eBay and transform it into Alice's dress.  But I got really lucky...I happened to stumble across it on a web page and low and behold, it is the same exact dress!!!  Believe it or not.  Everything about the dress matches up!  So I will post the link to it here:

    So let me know what you think!


  3. Whats the newest group shot?

    Linkage please

  4. A new group shot??!?!?! Link, please?!?!?!?!

    Is it a different one, other than the one where everyone is in dark colors and the sky is dark and bella and edward are in front??

  5. you should do what the first person said take a photo of it to the dress maker

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