
Where did Ali RaziAllyho tallaha anha born ?

by Guest66621  |  earlier

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correction Radhiyallahu anhu




  1. In syntax, a verb is a word (part of speech) that usually denotes an action (bring, read), an occurrence (decompose, glitter), or a state of being (exist, stand). Depending on the language, a verb may vary in form according to many factors, possibly including its tense, aspect, mood and voice. It may also agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments (subject, object, etc.). The verb is was born, not "did born". But although I have enjoyed being of help, if a little pedantic, I do not have the answer...maybe it was in a Manger, or Milletts or John Menzies place?

  2. Have you noticed that there are 3 types of mulims?  Amongst the millions of muslims in this world:

    70% of us are born into islam, support moderation but don’t really care what islam is screaming about.

    10% of us picked islam to justify shames or is using islam to get women

    15% of us are fanatics trying to kill non muslims or making absurd claims for islam

    The remaining 5% are using islam to making money as Imams or mosque workers.

    Is this what Islam is all about?  Wait, I said 3 types, so which one is not a true muslim?  The answer is the first one, the 70% group.


  3. Imam Ali (AS) was born in the house of Allah

  4. Ali (Raziyallahu Anhu) was born at MAKKA AL MUKARRAMAH. To use RaziAllyho tallaha anha is not correct. Raziyllahu ta'ala anha is used for lady companions.

  5. Imam Ali (AS) was born inside the Kaaba. It is said that while his mother was doing tawaf she felt the birth pains grow and she feared she was going to give birth in public but then the wall of the Kaaba depressed and there was a gap created by the will of Allah so that she could enter it and give birth there in seclusion.

  6. Ali (as) inside kaaba what I read .

    please note the word you wrote should be like this Radhiyallahu anhu

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