
Where did I leave my car keys?

by  |  earlier

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  1. inside your couch

  2. you're gonna get reported

  3. Go back, go back, go back, go back to where you were!

  4. In your other jacket

  5. Nightstand

    in the couch and chair cushions

    in the bathroom on the counter

    in the car

    The kids have them

  6. Think about what you were doing when you walked in the door and see if you laid them down there.  Or check the door itself.... I've left them in my door before.....or in the car.

  7. It's all phycological,  you don't own a car.

  8. Back track. Maybe you left them in the ignition by accident. or check on the table or something. They got to be somewhere. Hopefully you find them soon =]

  9. They are always in the last place you look...

  10. weird . . how r we suppose to know =]

  11. On the back of your dog when you tried to fix a tap and didn't notice that dark, hard surface was in fact your dog.

  12. kitchen counter? hows anybody supposed to know that?

  13. under the couch cushion

  14. under the sofa cushin

  15. on the coffee table

  16. check the bathroom counter :]

  17. come on don't be silly. you do remember the combination to your bicycle lock right?

  18. in the car?.......

  19. Not a clue, try the kitchen side, a jacket pocket or in the door of your car still?

  20. Probably in the car, which is about to be stolen!

  21. One time I couldn't find my keys.  I wondered if my 2 year old had gotten a hold of them.  So I back tracked his step and remembered he had been looking out the window.  There they were!  Sitting on the windowseal behind the curtain!  lol

  22. My mom lost her keys a few days ago while we were visiting friends...I found them...they were still in the ignition, locked in the car! My brother had drove us, and obviously he left them in there, and we by habit had locked all the doors. Hope yours aren't locked in there! Im not sure if its worse to not be able to find them, or to find them but they are locked Best of luck in finding them!

  23. Get a magnet and attach the car key under the car.

  24. in your jean pockets

    your car

    the table

    dropped them?

    pshh idk!

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