
Where did Paul quote Christ...?

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Out of the dozen or so books in the new testament that Paul wrote... can somebody give me a list of his quotations of the words of Christ...?




  1. Most of the New Testament doesn't even concern the historical Jesus while the main influence is the Apostle Paul and through the church he founded at Ephesus a Greek convert named John. Paul never met Jesus in the flesh, he only claimed some strange vision and proceeded to paganize the teachings of Jesus (who preached an enlightened form of Judaism), until he created Pauline Christianity. Because there are no known writings from Jesus, the actual Apostles, or anyone that actually knew Him in the flesh (other then perhaps James), most of what He taught is lost forever, other than perhaps the disputed Gnostic Gospels.

    On the way to Damascus, Paul experienced a vision of Jesus that converted him from persecutor to believer. Paul joined the Christians of Damascus, but soon he had to flee Damascus to escape the officers of King Aretas (II Corinthians 11:32-33), though a later, less authentic, account in Acts 9:22-25 changes his persecutors to "the Jews."

    After his vision, according to Paul's own account (Galatians 1:17), he went into the desert of Arabia for a period, seeking no instruction. According to Acts, however, he sought instruction first from Ananias of Damascus and then from the apostles in Jerusalem. These contradictory accounts reflect a change in Paul's status: in his own view, he had received a revelation that put him far higher than the apostles, while in later Church opinion he had experienced a conversion that was only the beginning of his development as a Christian.

    Paul, as founder of the new Christian mystery, initiated the Eucharist, echoing the communion meal of the mystery religions. The awkward insertion of eucharistic material based on I Corinthians 11:23-26 into the Last Supper accounts in the Gospels cannot disguise this, especially as the evidence is that the Jerusalem Church did not practise the Eucharist.

    Paul's missionary campaign began c.44 in Antioch. He journeyed to Cyprus, where he converted Sergius Paulus, the governor of the island. It was probably at this point that he changed his name from Saul to Paul, in honor of his distinguished convert. After journeys in Asia Minor where he made many converts, Paul returned to Antioch. His second missionary tour (51-53) took him as far as Corinth; and his third (54-58) led to a three-year stay in Ephesus. It was during these missionary periods that he wrote his Epistles.

    The Pauline Epistles (or Corpus Paulinum) constitute those epistles traditionally attributed to Paul. Their names are based on the Christian groups or individuals to whom they are addressed.

    Epistle to the Romans -- Paul the Apostle

    First Epistle to the Corinthians -- Paul

    Second Epistle to the Corinthians -- Paul

    Epistle to the Galatians -- Paul

    Epistle to the Ephesians -- Paul

    Epistle to the Philippians -- Paul

    Epistle to the Colossians -- Paul

    First Epistle to the Thessalonians -- Paul

    Second Epistle to the Thessalonians -- Paul

    First Epistle to Timothy -- Paul

    Second Epistle to Timothy -- Paul

    Epistle to Titus -- Paul

    Epistle to Philemon -- Paul

    Epistle to the Hebrews -- Anonymous, traditionally attributed to Paul.

    more here:

  2. Unlike another has said, Paul did NOT "initiate the eucharist".  Christ did that during His final meal with His disciples when He passed the bread and wine to them : "19And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.

    20Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you." (Luke 22:19,20)

    I'll research more and get back to you.

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