
Where did Satan come from and who is he or she.?

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Why did God permit this devil to persuade human beings to do wrong. What is the idea behind this arrangement. Logical comments plz.




  1. When people first thought of God and said Who or what is God, they noticed that air kept them alive. God is the air. Air keeps us alive and without it we die. Then they came to a fruit tree and said, God is in the tree because it feeds us. Then they came to a river and said, the river is God because it gives us water to drink and bathe. Then someone said, the air can be bad and kill, fruit can be bad and kill, water can keep you under and take you away. The people no longer felt good.

    This person they called the subtracter, the one that takes away the good feeling about God.

    The devil is the (d)erived of evil. The creation could not be perfect for only God is perfect. A small slice of imperfection only big enough for a snake but from small sources large problems grow. Before the snake, Adam and Eve lived in a place where anything was possible but the snake put in doubt and no longer was there perfect faith.  Faith is needed to be strong and fight injustice. Faith is needed to walk away from your final minutes and to face that in which you believe in.

  2. I can only answer part of the question. God gave us free choice and the power to make our own decisions. It is up to us to ignore the devil and make our way through this world littered w/ temptation.

  3. Satan is the human creation of an antithesis.  A justification for why the world is as it is.  We want the world to be perfect because we expect we should have only the best, but it is not?  So through time we created an explanation, a fallen creature that dragged humans down with it.

    This explanation evolved through time as cultures collided and their mythos combined eventually creating a tale of an all good being vs and all evil being forever locked in combat over the fate of humanity.  

    This tale also provides humans with a feeling of importance because two eternal beings are in an eternal struggle to woo people over to their side.  

    This is my thoughts on the matter and the evolution of Satan.  

  4. Logical comment: The is no God or Satan.

  5. Satan is an archetype for the darkest side of ourselves.  

  6. Okay, step outside the box a little.  Realize you yourself are working within a given belief system.  When you recognize the fact that Christianity is also a religion with its own ideas on par with Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. and you step out from a belief system, analyzing it like you would any other from an anthropological standpoint, you can study the evolution of the idea of "Satan."  Here's a wikipedia article to give you the history behind people's conception of Satan:

    While you're at it, read about the history of the Abrahamic religions and every other belief system to realize that beliefs change over time.

  7. since you are asking for logical comments use your logic THERE'S NO SATAN. and if you believe in god you should know its just a symbol for all things like evil temptation e.t.c. it doesn't mean he is a person he just symbolizes all the "bad" stuff. oh and as for why he was let persuade humans to do wrong in the well known story it means that god let people have a free will and make their own choices for which they are responsible.

    its a parable you know, the story with adam and eve and the snake  

  8. Satan was a figment of someones imagination which was then articulated into a book.  Satan does not exist.  You asked for logical answers - well,  it doesn't get more logical than this...

    If Satan is the overlord of h**l,  he is in charge of punishing all sinners

    So logically, he himself would not be a sinner as he punish's them.  If he was a sinner then he would be throwing a huge orgy party down there or something.

    God/Satan and religion in general is a pile of bullshit created by people when they had no real reasons as to why things happened

  9. satan used to be called lucifer and he was like the top angel in heaven.

    till he started thinkin that he wanted to be god so since pride is a sin.. and God doesnt allow sin in heaven, God made a place for him to stay  where all sins go (h**l)

    He allows the devil to persuade ppl because he gave us ppl free will. and we will choose whether to follow him or not. he doesnt want robots u know.


  10. Lucifer was the most charming, beautiful, tempter, and cunning Angel in the Heavens.  He wanted to be the best and challenged Michael, the Arch Angel.  And for his misdeed God threw Lucifer out of the heavens, and guess what, we get him?  You've heard the devil made me do it, however we choose whether to follow evil deeds or not.  No one be a greater advocate for temptation as satan.  

    The Lord could wipe out satan, but the time has not come.  It will happen during the second coming of Christ.    

  11. Satan came from... The inside of people's heads as a way of defining processes around them that they couldn't understand.

    Good processes & events (good harvests, abundant game) were attributed to positive gods whilst negative events (lightening strikes and strange deaths) were attributed to demons, evil spirits and the like.

    It was simply a way of categorising events beyond a primitave man's intellectual capacity and, in OUR 'supreme wisdom', we have carried on these thought processes for tens of thousands of years.

  12. In my opinion, there is no satan.

    "He", came from the minds of people or a person who wasn't really that good. This thought, this "satan" gave them/him the perfect cover up for their bad ways. Then they could always claim, "The devil made me do it.", or "The devils evil made me do it."

    I am Wiccan, and I get alot of the thought that I must be a devil worshiper, which is quite amusing for me. I always thought you had to believe in something to worship it!

    I don't believe in this evil entity people have made up to put blame on.

  13. G-d wanted to give the choice, freedom.. not like those people in iran who dont want to give you freedom.. you choose good you get blessed.. you choose evil you get h**l.

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