
Where did bush find the money to fund the 'stimulus' to allegedly ?

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to 'stimulate' the economy??

omg -- I imagine we should all get it by now. the 'stimulus' check is a sneaky way to help some poor joe smo buy overpriced gas to get to work for another 30 days.

my my

why didn't we see it that way from the get go?




  1. While you complain about it, I bet you had no trouble cashing that check. Did you?

  2. He prints it. It's all on the discover card. Pray that you die before the bill comes due.

  3. Where did Bush find the money to fund our stimulus?Why,from our taxes of course!Doesn't it make so much sense?It's the same friggin thing as a tax break but the democrats didn't want to sound republican.GENUIS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. The U.S Treasury's equivalent of Kinkos

  5. They borrowed it, or just printed it which creates debt.  Either way, we'll have to pay it back, with interest.  Some deal, huh?

  6. It's your own tax money.  Spend it wisely.

    Yeah...lining pockets.  Whatever.

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