
Where did cavemen come from?

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ok here is the question I'm just confused even though I'm a christian I'm very open to studying different beliefs and this isn't a sarcastic question at all I tried to google it, and found nothing, so If the caveman came from apes who made the apes? I know we learned some of this in school but getting older I dont think we got as deep as I need to know now, so who made the apes please someone help and please no smart a--- please!




  1. People didn't evolve from primates. Take an anthropology class to get a better idea . Different species have existed for millions of years, but there is no record, only fossils.

  2. Caves

  3. A process of natural selection made the apes, the men (women too), and the amoeba.

    Basically, it worked like this (once life started going):

    1) mistake in copying the DNA made.

    2) Does this improve the chances of survival or reduce?

    If it reduced, the mutant died or at least didn't make as many babies as the original version.

    If it improved the species, then it was fruitful and multiplied.

    If it didn't help or hurt, it didn't really effect things at this stage.

    So, for example- Dinosaurs are all related to this one species of small lizard that could run on its 2 hind legs.  This gave it an advantage over our direct ancestors, and this species grew to become many species of dinosaurs that grew to enormous size, while our ancestors became small & nocturnal.

    Eventually, the tides turned and our mammalian ancestors were able to spread out across the world because of the advantages that rearing live babies brought over laying eggs.

    When the first primate developed an opposable thumb, it made it far easier to hand onto trees, and eventually tools.

    So its not really a belief, but a fact.  We are here today in our present form because of millions of years of natural selection & dumb luck (if not for the asteroid, or whatever killed off the dinos- mammals wouldn't have had a chance)


    I hope these help!

  5. If you're trying to understand evolution, then you're asking the wrong question.

    It's not "WHO made the apes?" as that assumes some "who" that made them. (Who made this rock? No one; the rock is here through natural processes; it wasn't MADE by anyone.)

    How did apes come to be?

    They evolved from earlier primates, who evolved from earlier critters, and so on, back to very, very simple life forms.

    If you really want to understand all this stuff, you'll have to do more reading than can be put on this site (though, if you go to the Science: Biology and the Society & Culture: Religion & Sprirtuality categories, and search or browse around, you'll find lots of questions about evolution, with some pretty good answers.

    But to really GET IT, you'll need to read more than answers here -- as in books; there are a lot of books that explain it well, that are written for non-scientists.

    There are also websites that explain it, and explain various bits of it:

    The UC Berkeley site includes a link: Understanding Evolution -- as well as a gabunch of other information.

    The New Scientist links (the first, specifically addressing human evolution, the second, evolution in general) take you to pages with lots of links. Some of the linked pages are Subscriber-Only (you have to pay to subscribe to the magazine to read them), but also have links to pages you can read for free.

    BTW, most Christians accept evolution -- there isn't necessarily a contradiction there.

    The problem with your googling was that 'cavemen' is an old-fashioned term, that doesn't really hold up scientifically.

    But had you searched on 'evolution' you'd have gotten hits.

    We've learned a lot since you were in school (which, I gather, was some time ago). It's a really fascinating field, well worth the time it takes to understand it.

  6. evolution of the species.all life started in the soup and grew into its own species.

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