
Where did humans come from?

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sam wants to kno




  1. From the same now-extinct apes that modern apes came from.

  2. Well, I am a Christian, but I'm still not sure.  Most Christians believe that humans were created by God ie. Adam and Eve.  I don't know if I believe that or not.  Non-Christians think that everything happened over millians of years.  They say that we started out as more of ape-type animals.  Sounds resonable, considering that we share 99% of our DNA with them, now.  But they don't leave any room for God, which is why I don't know what to think.  I've decided that there are some things that nobody will know until they get to heaven.

  3. From prehumans.

    See Jared Diamond's beautiful book, The Third Chimpanzee.

    BTW, since one other answer raises this point, outside the southern and rural United States, the vast majority of Christians see no conflict at all between these ideas and their religion.  People who say that they don't believe in evolution because of their religion understand neither religion nor evolution.

  4. That is a good question, when you find the correct answer please let me know too.

  5. Well depending on what you believe in..

    I'm a christian.

    And personally, i believe humans came from God.

    He created us.

  6. The universe is constructed from a multitude of various materials. It is dynamic in form and shape due to a multitude of various processes and interactions between these materials. To the human, however, in his need to establish his place and purpose in the universe, the most important material is biological and the most important process is evolution, far it is only here that the human can learn to understand himself, an understanding that is vital to his survival.

    Wise men, psychologists, philosophers and theologians have surmised and conjectured about the human over the centuries, and still do, but the truth about the human may be found only through factual knowledge. That factual knowledge lies in a process called evolution. The human is what evolution made him.

  7. tell sam to shut it

  8. Humans are part of the tree of life on Earth.

    We evolved from some common primate ancestor, most likely, as our related 'cousins' the 'Neanderthals' and the 'Australopithecines' etc...

    The Universe is wondrous - being the product of an evolutionary process does not have to cause a crisis of faith - for some, it may bring faith in something greater.

    SCIENCE is cool - Keep thinking, keep asking questions.

  9. v****a

  10. God created humans through a long process that some call evolution.

  11. It all started from Adam & Eve.  They broke the cardinal rule and we all started from then on!!

  12. they came from africa.  

  13. A human comes from the uterus of their mother, or if you mean it philosophically, they come from the monkeys, and trace it back like that to the fish and even further to the individual cells who clipped together.

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