
Where did life come from? Where did matter come from?

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I'd like these answered from a evolutionists point of view. Not a science/Christian point of view.




  1. Matter and energy just appeared during the big bang. Negative and Positive energy and Matter just seperated out of the nothingness that they still are. If you add up an equal positive and negative you get zero.

    Life is just a natural formation of matter that froms and perpetuates itself in it's forever search for food for growth.

  2. Neither of these questions have anything to do with evolution.  So I don't know why you want an 'evolutionists' point of view.

    Evolution is about how life *changes*, not how life began ... and certainly not about where matter came from.

    (And I have no idea what you mean if you think that an 'evolutionist' holds a view that is neither science nor Christian p.o.v.   The evolution-supporter's point of view about common ancestry of species, *IS* the scientific consensus!)

    So your questions should be addressed to *scientists*. And here is how they would answer:

    We don't know for sure how life started.  But we do know some things:

    1. Life has been present on the planet for *at least* 3.5 billion years.  That is as far as the fossil evidence, and DNA evidence from living organisms has taken us ... but this evidence (as of yet) finds little sign of life before 3.5 billion years ago.

    2. Life has been present on this planet  for *at most* 4.5 billion years, because that's how old the planet appears to be.  In reality is is probably several million years younger than that (4.3 billion years?  4.0 billion years?) because it took some time for the earth to cool.

    3. This means that life had approximately 1 billion years in which to emerge ... on a planet with certain conditions (no atmospheric oxygen, very active volcanically, ocean floors roiling with steam vents, much closer moon producing huge tides, etc.)   So all theories of the origins of life are about how those conditions may have produced life from the elements present in the oceans in those first billion years.

    As for the origins of matter, again we don't have a complete answer to this question.  But again, there are some things we *do* know:

    1. The matter that we find on the earth was generated from nuclear processes inside our sun, which is probably a third-generation star (which means that its matter is the product of explosions from two earlier generations of stars).

    2. All matter in the universe must have appeared at the same time, along with the current laws of physics, as these laws don't allow creation or destruction of matter or energy.

    3. All signs point to the idea that the universe is not infinintely old, but that it has a specific moment of creation.  Based on the current expansion, we compute that this moment was about 12 to 14 billion years ago.

    But again ... while we don't know for sure about the origin of life or the origin of the universe ... one thing we *DO* know for sure is life as we know it *evolved* from earlier ancestors stretching all the way back to 3.5 billion years ago.

  3. If you don't want a scientific nor a Christian explanation then what do you expect exactly and what did you think you would get from a evolutionist that's not science related? lol

  4. i would like to know also the answer to these questions, mate.

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