
Where did man evolve?.. he latest discoveries proved it was South Africa!!?

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How did America miss out on this one?




  1. Man has evolved all over the world to adapt to the different climates.  While many believe that Africa and the Middle East is the birthplace of man, but humans evolved over time as they migrated out from these regions.  This is an indication of the different races and body styles through out the world.  Think if you have a  European, African, and Asian person stand in a line, they all would have distinct differences, however they are humans with the same genetic make-up.  

  2. Antoi's got it!  

  3. True, so every  American is Afro-American and should put this on all documents where it asks for race/nationality.

  4. More likely the rift valley in Africa, not South Africa.

  5. Are you asking a question, or making a statement?

    There is no proof of exactly where, when, or how humans evolved, but most reliable evidence points toward it being somewhere on the African Continent.

    America didn't really miss out on anything. The European explorers and settlers from the 15th century onwards seem to have done their best to kill off the original Americans.

  6. We were planted here by aliens. Part of an intergalactic experiment.

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