
Where did me and my internet lover go wrong?

by Guest57169  |  earlier

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I thought I met the man of my dreams. I was about to visit this guy 18 hours away. He was respectful, everything he said was perfect to my ears. We were talking for a whole 9 months off and on. It got really serious 2 months ago. He stopped getting online. Now he no longer returns my calls. How could this happen? I was going to leave my husband!




  1. How old are you?

  2. I'm guessin he wasn't willing to leave his wife............

  3. You have forgotten the golden rule. All that glitters is not gold andyou along with who knws how many others have probable been played the same tune.This is a common thread in internet dating as you never quite know what the other hand is doing and if he's got a number of options he's playin  he will play his best card first and in this case it wasn't you.

    Be happy you didn't make a gig of yourself, or spend lots of your hard earned cash or lost your partner and  think positive it was a learning experience your all the more wiser for so next time you'll be wary of the fraudsters

  4. Sadly, he wasn't a man at all. He was a 14 year old boy playing games. Or was he really the 53 year old woman?

  5. I think that internet relationships can never really work. People can be one way online, and then when you meet them face to face they can be totally different. Maybe he chickened out on the fact that you were going to leave your husband for him, or maybe he just liked talking to you for pleasure but wanted nothing more. Sorry if this sounds rude or is unhelpful but its what i think! Im sorry that he left you!

  6. sounds like his wife found out and put the smack down on him...

    next time meet someone local.

  7. where you went wrong: meeting someone on the internet and cyber-cheating on your husband.  what you need to do: confess your cyber-slutting to your husband and deal with the humiliation.

  8.   I'm sorry, it was most likely me. My girlfriend found out about it and made me quit. I'm no longer allowed to get on line, I'm doing this at a friends house. Sorry.

  9. KARMA!! Thats what went wrong. If your not happy in your marriage then tell your husband, because one day he will find out.

  10. You were going to leave your husband for some guy you never met?!?!?! The guy you were talking to on the internet probably ditched you for some other woman. Get over it and tell your husband!

  11. Something very similar happened to my friend just after she booted out her husband.  They guy actualy came to CA from Florida & stayed with my friend for the weekend.  They took her kids to the fair & everything seemed perfect.. (It was approx 6 mos before he came to visit).  Afterwards he just led her on.  He kept promising to come back & finally had her out to FL about 4 months after his initial visit.  

    Well turns our the fool is married, put her up in a hotel & never spent the night since he had to go home to the wife.   My friend hung on a little longer since he said he was leaving his wife too, but alas that never happened.

    Be careful. There are A LOT of online Players who will tell you everything you want to hear & then disappear once things are really heating up.  

    Try to make it work with your husband & if not, find someone real & in your city to date.

    Better luck next time

  12. You probably don't want to hear it, but you're most likely better off.

  13. You met online and didn't actully know each other...There you go.

  14. Sounds like the karma to me.  To fix your karma, you must now go confess all to your spouse...

  15. WOW do I know how that feels, mine made it like his secretary was sending me an email to tell me he was killed in a car crash, but when a friend of mine called his house, he answered, JERK. Forget him darlin', move on, he's not worth your pain. trust me.

  16. Don't leave your husband for someone else. The grass is not always greener on the other side

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