
Where did my appetite go?

by  |  earlier

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Okay well, for some reason lately i havent been hungry, at all. Actually most of the time i have a stomach ache. When i feel dizzy and light headed i eat something but that just makes me feel more sick. Whats wrong with me?




  1. go see a doc ok? this isn't enough info on your state of health please!

  2. are you stressed, or have the flu. i would check with your doc.

  3. Food poisoning? Flu? See the doctor.

  4. are you perhaps pregnant? or the flu? or perhaps it just the heat-its been a hot summer, and if its really hot nobody feels like eating, it can also make you quite sick to the stomach as well.

  5. sounds to me like you need to go to the doctors.  If lately means for a month or longer.  If it has only been a couple of days like a week then maybe its just the weather,stress, maybe you caught a summer bug?  Do you have any other symptoms? have you lost alot of weight?

    Keep an eye out for any significant changes if you chose not to go to the Dr.  If you do go make sure you tell them specifically what is going on, even if it seems irrelevant to you.

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