
Where did my blogs go???

by  |  earlier

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poof they are gone




  1. I and many other people have had this issue, esp of late. It is simply a glitch on this site and hopefully they will re appear again for you. Yahoo has abandoned 360 and are not fixing anything here. There is nothing more to be done here. Everyone is simply waiting for the new site, hopefully coming soon.

  2. That is a common glitch lately. However, if you can still see the latest blog that you've posted on your "My Blog" page, just try to make a change to the blog (add or delete a letter or word), then re-save. That sometimes gets things back to normal.

    Make sure that your permissions for the blog are still set correctly too. See for more information on that.

    Otherwise, you might just have to wait it out. See my sarcastic blog about my recent issues with the service here:

    FYI: Y!360 is transitioning into a different social networking platform in early 2008. Yahoo is trying to centralize its profiling services - Y!Mash, Y!360, and the regular Members profile - into one. See for more details.However, they are no longer fixing bugs related to Y!360, so there's no point in trying to contact them about it.

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