
Where did my brain go!!??

by  |  earlier

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i used to be so creative and imaginative i could make up these rad stories but i neglected it and now that im trying to get into screen writing its all gone! what happened? how do i get rid of my stupid writers block?




  1. Excersise your brain! Read! Go site seeing... learn! Learn! Learn! Learn! Learn!

  2. u cant rid of writers block ur creativity has to jus come to u i noe it get writers block 2

  3. what drugs have you been taking..

  4. Are you nervous or having anxiety?Take a deep breath and go somewhere where lots of people are.Sit down and observe these people and let your mind make up stories about them.Then go home and write your arm off about these people.Add some humour and sarcasm. ^-^

  5. The ideal solution is to start smoking a whole load of wierd ****.

  6. You just need to think a little more.

  7. Well take some time off. Don't push your brain to write a story.

  8. This is an issue that constantly happens to artists and writers. This might sound a little cliché but you need to find inspiration again. I suggest you hop on a plane, drive out of town, get a train, anything, and fill your imagination with different sights. Landscapes, small towns. large cities, the ocean, talking to all types of people- watching their art and culture.

  9. it's not gone you just need to get the ideas flowing.  just work even if something seems like c**p, it'll get your juices going eventually

  10. i suggest a trip to Greece, that will get your creative juices flowing

  11. quit doin crack...

  12. Try doing things like stream of consciousness to get ideas flowing.

  13. start writing about a holiday island add twists to it make it sillly and funny the idea's will be flowing like water

  14. lol stop whining and write something..

  15. You need to relax.  

    Really...stop thinking about being into screen wiring, take baths and get massages, open your mind to all that around you.  And then run to the computer to type when the idea comes.  It will.

  16. you ate chinese food and the next day you sh­it your brains out.

    it happens to the best of us.

  17. Other answers are retarded.

    You clearly need to take MOAR drugs!

  18. Modify your milieu.

    Ditch your laptop, pack a snack, and take a notebook to a park.  If you are still blocked, move around, and face different directions, and scenery.

  19. read your old stories

    stop thinkin of the writers block and start off any simple thing.

    Like a pencil in a pencil sharpener.

    You can go anywhere from there or any simple little thing to start you off.

    Like somebody stuck thier finger inthe pencil sharpener but they were on drugs so they just sharpened their finger to the bone.

    See that all came from the pencil idea

    you can do the same thing just believe in yourself.

  20. don't try so hard

  21. sit there and write whatever.. and the worse it sounds, the better because thaat whats going to break the block, making it flow

  22. Yes , who knows where your block originated, plainn gone, drugs, trauma!

    The thing is if you can't put your finger on one particular thing to fix or change things, then you really just need a good change, small holiday somewhere different, even visit something out of the norm, say an area remote, and take time to get yourself relaxed but thinking in a creative manner.

    It's not suprising how many writers pick solitude and unusual places to get their thought patterns working.

  23. if i were you i would just take some time off, like go have some fun and that should clear your mind and then when u decide to start writing again u should be able to think of something

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