
Where did people dump their garbage in the old days?

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Where did people dump their garbage in the old days?




  1. There are a lot of old "dumps" In the mountain behind my house. They have stuff like refrigerators and stoves in there. I guess they just took their stuff and dumped it wherever they could find a hidden spot. In the old old days they would just throw them in the street.

  2. What do you consider to be "the old days"? Are we talking the 1950's, the early 1900's, or medieval times? I mean, each era in human development has had different means to deal with their waste. Be specific!

  3. More garbage dumps.  It was easier to have dumps and landfills when there were less people around.  Nowadays, people have moved into the areas that were out-of-the-way and in the wilderness.  Now, we've got to go to greater lengths to keep all of this garbage out of sight as people still don't want to look at it, but they sure don't mind creating more...

  4. People used to dump it out in the open it didnt matter to them

  5. Lakes, in their neighbor yard, they wern't very clean people.

    they had bad heigene

  6. They burned it.

  7. dug a hole and buried it, burned it or just left it;

    some times they were just  not "the good old days"

  8. Where ever their was a hole or bank to fill in.

  9. There wasn't nearly as much garbage as there is today.  People didn't use 10 water bottles a day and throw them away.  They used a canteen and refilled it.  They didn't eat packaged food.  They ate whole foods that came out of the earth or in large sacs that they reused.  They didn't buy stuff that came in packages.  They only used what they needed to.  The things they did throw away, they burned or buried.  We could learn a lot by living that way again.

  10. If you find a derelict building there are often patches of stinging nettles just a short way from the remains. This would have been the site where garbage was buried as nettles thrive on such soils. ( a good place to dig for old bottles!). If you think about it at least something good came of the practice of burying garbage as nettles are an extremely valuable plant for the lifecycle of some species of butterflies!!

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