
Where did religious people get the crazy idea that people have souls and animals do not have souls?

by Guest10801  |  earlier

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Apparently, they read it , and never had the good sense to question what they read. Just as they read the Bible and do not have the good sense to question what they read in it!




  1. as a Buddhist I believe all living things have an Atman, soul or source. religious people is a broad generalization. This specific religion or that specific person may have an infinite number of opinions.  What you end up believing is what you will see.  You will manifest your own beliefs and your sub-conscience will confirm.

  2. that is a very deep subject that cant be answered here not enough space.the r many religions that believe animals have "souls" i think you r talking about christion and jewish faiths .God created man n his own imaige and gave us a soul,so we can worshp him it is a part of all people to worship something ,it mite be money or budda but most people have some form of "god ' animals dont have a god the live in the moment the learn from past experiences such as a deer learned to run from the mountain lion but other than that they live in the moment .some animals are extremly intelegent like dogs monkeys and if you look into their eyes you see that inteligeince ,alot of people confuse that with a soul but it is not the same thing .i hope this help,





  3. I do not know. Religious people have a lot of crazy ideas.

  4. Of course animals have souls just like us! Have they ever see dogs or monkeys eyes?? How can they say they don't have souls?? incredible...

  5. They probably got that from the part of the Bible about humans being made in God's image but I have no doubt that animals have souls.

  6. I'm not sure where they get that but I believe animals definately have souls!

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