
Where did the Flying Spaghetti Monster originate?

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I thought it had been made up on this site, but I was reading Richard Dawkins - 'The God Delusion' and saw it mentioned in there.





  2. FSM has always been and always shall be. We don't need to question his beefy origins. Just believe and have faith. WHy do you question???

    POOF! He was just 'there' (Derek's "logic")

  3. It was originally a parody to counter the arguments for teaching Intelligent Design in schools in the Kansas State Board of Education ordeal.  It used the fake religion of the flying spaghetti monster to show how many of the arguments for ID (aka Creation) were religiously motivated and/or simply ridiculous.  For example, it shows how dangerous it is to rely on correlations as causations by insisting that the drop in number of pirates is the cause for global warming - that the FSM has increased the global temp. because he likes pirates and doesn't like that they are disappearing.  You will note that the average global temperature does indeed increase in correlation with the decrease in number of pirates worldwide.  Of course, both phenomena might be explained by the increase in industrialization.

  4. You silly, my butt of course.  

  5. It's a Character made up by Richard Dawkins.. That's correct.. Actually dear the God delusion was not very well written and I know many atheist who will tell you the same...It lacked detail and was horribly put together and not at all what you would expect from Richard Dawkins who I will admit is intelligent..The God delusion was most definitely not one of his better works...God bless you !

    My calling you dear was not patronizing you dear. If you will check my other post I call many ladies dear . When you are critical of another persons positions ( This is especially truth with atheist) they tend to be a bit touchy. The dear was an attempt to try and soften my criticism of your position to try and prevent that from happening .

    Apparently it did not work..

  6. Was it cooked in a pot that had never been used before and had never even been on a stove?

  7. Well, at first their was only energy and nonbiological matter. Then, there was lightning that hit this, forming amino acids and proteins. It formed in the deep oceans at a time when there was no oxygen (hahaha, did you catch that, I said in the oceans when there was no oxygen, pay close attention atheists!!!) and then randomly there formed wheat and flour. Some parts of this wheat and flour evolved over time, and then 4.6 billion years ago, during earths formation when things were hot, the flour and wheat baked together but were protected from being altogether destroyed. This is the Theory of Spaghetti Cellulartosis, in which  a goo evolved to protect spaghetti in early earth. Then, just randomly, the spaghetti was shaped into strings and mixed with the evolved wheat and flour that became tomato sauce, which through random process, evolved to become spaghetti. In order not to be eaten, the spaghetti's dna, although unaware of its own existence, knew the need to produce wings, the the spaghetti monster evolved wings exacly 3.2 billion years ago. Soup monster was also in the liniage of spaghetti monster, but he died out. So that is how Flying Spaghetti Monster originated. It's pure FACT!!!!!

    * I love it when others mention me. I knows that what I said hit home with them. Poof, it came from NOTHING AT ALL. It had no cause--- the Beanns logic.*


  9. The FSM has no origin, He exists outside time and space, He is eternal and all knowing.


  10. FSM is a first cause.

    By definition a first cause cannot have a cause. To state otherwise is a pastasy. Egro FSM logically came from Cohshohoken PA.

  11. I first heard about FSM about two years ago, but I don't know from where it originated.

  12. The Flying Spaghetti Monster always was and always will be.

  13. Prophet Bobby Henderson.

  14. The first public exposure of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (CoFSM) can be dated to January 2005, when Bobby Henderson, describing himself as a concerned citizen, sent an open letter regarding the FSM to the Kansas State Board of Education. The letter was sent prior to the Kansas evolution hearings as an argument against the teaching of intelligent design in biology classes. Intelligent design was thought of as a way to teach creationism in the public school system without mentioning the name "God". Henderson stated that both his theory and intelligent design had equal validity; saying

        "I think we can all look forward to the time when these three theories are given equal time in our science classrooms across the country, and eventually the world; One third time for Intelligent Design, one third time for Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, and one third time for logical conjecture based on overwhelming observable evidence."[3]  

  15. He has no origin, he exists outside of time and space. Ramen!

  16. He has always existed but it was the prophet Bobby Henderson who brought his noodlyness to the masses.

  17. I never heard about it until I became atheist and saw it on blogs.

    I'm waiting for that book to become available at my local library.

    Do you recommend it?

  18. Someone proposed it as an alternative idea when the board of education in Pennsylvania (some sources say Kansas) wanted to make it mandatory that both creationism and evolution be taught in schools.  The person's point was that if you were going to open the school to alternative ideas, you had to teach every alternative idea, including the theory of the flying spaghetti monster.

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