
Where did the Money go then ?

by Guest55575  |  earlier

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No anti-immigrant or anti-ethnic diatribes, rants or insults please.Just interested in comments attempting to explain where these policies have gone wrong.$1232007.htm




  1. The housing inflation was a bubble waiting to burst. It has done and we're all poorer but really why should a basic human necessity be so expensive? The 'money' went because people couldn't afford their homes so the 'money' was immaterial. You may think some possession is worth £Xbillion but if nobody wants it it is valueless. Hard facts that we're all having to learn.

  2. O.K. it goes something like this the government does care about hard working people anymore. The middle class no longer exists, your are either rich or poor.

    I will break it down for you: When Bill Clinton left office he left a surplus of $127 Billion dollars for good old "W" and now are country is in debt 9 trillion dollars in debt they estimate $11 trillion in the next two years. The war alone cost $537,481,494,907 that's $4,681 per household, $1,721 per person and $341.4 million per day $11 billion per month and rising every second, the price of gas has gone up to $4.00 a gallon, many people can't afford to drive. Now just think what this world would be like if we spent $11 billion on health care and helping the families would need it. We will be lucky if are children's children don't suffer from this.

    The truth is the money is gone, spent on less important things.

    The government and all their promises have cost this country everything.

  3. Well, the article says why these policies failed. They were neither properly thought out nor properly implemented, contradicted other schemes and efforts, were poorly managed and incoherently run. The same as virtually all government/local authority schemes these days.

    Where did the money go? Well a few people got permanent jobs out of it that will continue even when the schemes are finally dumped, a greater number of people will have had temporary jobs as 'guidance counsellors', 'workplace facilitators' and 'awareness trainers' out of it. Some businesses no doubt got some minor employment subsidies, probably by being allowed to employ a small number of people at very low wages while the rest of the wage was paid as benefit, or by allowing the employers to 'claim' back a portion of the wages paid from the local authority.

    Most of the money would have been paid to the 'guidance counsellors', 'workplace facilitators', 'awareness trainers' and such like.

    Most local authorities have a fairly nebulous group of people that hover around the fringes waiting to pick up these kinds of jobs. E.g. "Guidance Counsellors required - one year contract - 16 hours per week blah blah ......"

    These people are generally 'failed' teachers or people of similar educational standard, usually women with school-age children looking for part-time work. I do not mean to disparage teachers, by the way. Many, many teachers only manage to survive three or four years in the h***s we have for schools these days.

    Naturally very few, if any at all, of these beneficiaries come from the ethnic communities themselves.

    In short, the money was not exactly wasted, except that portion paid out in respect of advertising, office consumables and so on, after all, SOME people benefited but certainly it was frittered away to no good purpose.

  4. For some reason there does not seem to be any money around anywhere at the moment. I do not really agree with the National Minimum Wage because it neither gainful in merit and you simply cannot live an enjoyable life. Heaven knows what they have actually done but I guess it will get much worse as time goes on.

    The cost of living is a nightmare but who do you vote for in the future?  The Conservatives were a complete disaster last time they were in government and came up with goodies such as public censorship, nearly five million people on the dole and the good old Poll Tax. Certainly screwed, that is what we are - screwed.

  5. most of the money went into the pockets of the community leaders in the minority is not a answer to unemployment problem, and a positive attitude would go a lot further

  6. In 1 hand and out the other

  7. down the drain just like the usa

  8. Straight into the pockets of bureaucrats, it would seem...

  9. Because they are losers that will never ampount to anything no matter how much money you throw at them. They are shiftless and lazy by nature.

  10. Down the stupid drain

  11. Most of the population are not aware of the Federal Reserve Scams. Do you know who owns the Federal Reserve Bank?  Private business men who include the Morgan’s, Rothschild’s and the Rockefeller family. What they do is print money out of thin air, as much as they like and it’s not regulated!!!

    They lend money to the government in large interest rates so that the Government is in debt to them. So they control the world economy.

    How does the Government pay of their debt to the Federal Bank, they don't WE do, in the form of Income Tax from our wages. In 1913 (as well as funding Hitler, Bushes grandfather was included in the funding) these private business men convinced congress that the public should pay Income tax and Congress did what they were told.

    There is NO law written down anywhere that states that we have to pay Income’s a fraud. Not one cent or penny of peoples Income Tax payments goes to the government. It ALL goes directly into the private bankers pockets of the Federal Bank and the bank of England, Don't believe me get the DVD documentary by Aaron Russo called 1Freedom to Fascism'.

    During the Napoleonic war between France and Britain Rothschild’s friends in battle got the news of Britain victory back to him first.  Rothschild then went to the stock market and sold all his property, the other wealthy landowners and business men also sold all their properties and business because they assumed Britain had lost the war as the powerful Rothschild’s were selling up.  After that Rothschild’s bought up everything at massively reduced prices as nobody else wanted them.

    This process also happened during the great depression and it is happening again today, people are selling their business and property and greatly reduced prices and in a few years they will be snapped up by the wealthy for next to nothing.

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