
Where did the Secular Saudis come up from?

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Whats up with saudi users like buffeD?

People used to tell me that there were saudis who are not fond of the shariah laws (just like the Turks) but i never used to believe them.

I am literally shocked they are so lucky that Allah (swt) has made them from an islamic government they are free to practise thier deen while muslims like us are oppressed in our countries(Turkey).




  1. i am saudi and i am shocked too

    here.. all the kids look up to americans followers only

    because of

    1)zionist media aims its nasty ideas at saudis  first

    2)our weak leaders are actually following america too

  2. american jewish(leading by OH-U-KNOW-WHO) influence Muslim youth by using s*x,women,entertainment,money and bznes monopoly,most of the muslim leaders fall for these tricks,it all starts from the leader,if they r sux,the youth cant be saved

  3. well theres 3 reasons for this

    1. western influence- the western influence is much more easily available

    2. more money for increased spending

    3. 2nd and 3rd generations of any families are just less enforcive of thoughts and ideals the 1st generation had

  4. generation Saudis are open minded now because they're educated they're not isolated in one area anymore. It means he has knowledge with the western culture, other asian culture, european culture, etc. With that knowledge, he applies some of the values that he can get which he knows are good. There's a point of comparison now unlike before, a question of course will rise, how other muslims living in western countries still able to preserve Islam and enjoy the freedom they get? See the point here? because some laws that were implemented here are also way out of Islam.....I think thats the problem......

  5. Convert to Christianity, its free

  6. Race and Nationality is something everybody is born with but not religion or beliefs.You are right while most Saudis are backward and extremists, there are a few who are different.

    There is nothing wrong even though most people have the idea that Saudis are fanatics, well there is good and bad among all people even the Saudis he is one of the good ones.

    I don't think most Muslims would agree that they require a Islamic government to be able to practise their religion.Besides SA and Iran there no other Muslim majority countries have Islamic laws and they don't say they are oppressed in fact they prefer their countries to Islamic country like SA where they can practise their religion in their own healthy way unlike in a extremist country.

    As I said not all Saudis are extremists, so not all of them are lucky they have to live in such a extremist environment afterall

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