
Where did the concept of money come from?

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Where did the concept of money come from?




  1. This question has been going on for centuries. Money could have been dated since the beginning of man. Obviuosly money was not papers and coins back in the day but instead, money was objects of significance. For example, in certain villages, a goat and chickens is traded in for a wife. Taht is considered currency or money. There is actually a village that still uses rocks for currency. Don't believe me? look it up youll find it. Money is anything traded for use of something else.

  2. It was hard carrying all them pigs an chickens around in your pocket so you could pay your bills.

    So society came up with a system which allowed you to trade your pigs and chickens to someone who needed them in return for a kind of "IOU" from that person.  When you needed something that person produced, you traded in your IOU's (money) to get the stuff.

    Then government saw an opportunity to steal some of those IOU's and make politicians rich, and they came up with a universal IOU known as "Money" that their subjects could use.

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