
Where did the explosion sound come from?

by  |  earlier

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so i wz @ my home and my mom. my room has 2 windows one facing the backyard, the other one towards my neighbor's.

dont remember where exactly i wz.

so, all of the sudden i hear an explosion, the waves of the explosion went through the house. i felt them on the floor.

it wasnt a big explosion as to knock off stuff.

the explosion came from my room, it was like the explosion was in between under the house(not basement) and right outside my room.

i immediately went outside to look, and found no sign of anything/anybody.

couldnt been kids w/ fireworks, they are not that loud.

it wasnt a car crash, idk what to think

so what was it? i have no idea. what do u think

i think ive been specific, but if u need more info. just email me




  1. You just described a airplane breaking the sound barrier.

  2. The other poster might be right.  Sonic booms used to roll across the countryside all the time and they did something akin to what you describe.  

    The fact it came from under the house sounds more like a plugged vent in a sewer line allowing it to accumulate methane and maybe somehow getting a spark somewhere to detonate.

    Could have been on a power pole, or a demolition job some distance away, or a train derailing and something exploding.

    If it doesn't happen again it probably just isn't something you'll ever know.

  3. This could be a few things. It could have been a sonic boom or a seismic event originating nearby or even a few miles away and focusing in your vicinity.

    It could have also been due to a gas appliance so it'd be a wise thing to have the gas company come out and check around. Occasionally gas operated appliances will have an interuption in their air intake or ignition and gas will build up such that when the appliance does ignite the gas, there is an explosion. This is how our pool heater blew up...yes, blew up.

    The neighbors sure heard that!

  4. it MAY of been a sonic boom. technically there are serious legal consequences for those who causes sonic booms.

    I experienced one once, the newspaper explained it was a sonic boom. It felt like a cannon ball hit the roof of my house. the whole building shifted for a split second. creating sonic booms are banned for that reason ,the boom could cause property damage.

    They are loud booms when the energy stored at an airplane's nose is released when the aircraft breaks the sound barrier.

  5. Did anyone else hear it?  Were you asleep?  Have you noticed the sound before or since?

    Perhaps a car backfired.  Perhaps there was a sonic boom.  Perhaps there was a firework.  Perhaps you misheard the sound.  There are a lot of "perhaps".  Investigate to see if you can deduce what it was.  No one here was present so we can't help except to offer suggestions.

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