
Where did the expression "my bad" come from??

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who started it?

i think its the gen that between last yrs of high school and early college...




  1. Wow I say "My Bad" all the time, without thinking about it. I guess it's just slang, but I heard it was off an asian porno, where the chick squirts in his eye and says "my bad".

    Hope I helped :)

  2. It came from ignorant and un-educated street types in L.A. and showed up in common usage about 10 years ago... and it's just as WRONG today as it was when it first started making the rounds... For marking someone as dumb and illiterate... "My Bad" ranks right in there with "Me and she" and "You should have saw".

  3. Ebonics and the Jerry Springer Show.

  4. No, I made it up about 10 years ago.

    I remember it well........It was during a baseball game my 8th grade year. Out in center field I was hit a line drive. I ran hard and I made the grab. The runner on third tagged up and decided to head for home. I threw the ball as hard as I could but it missed the catcher by several feet. Later, in the dugout I looked at him and said "my bad."

    And that ladies and gentlemen is where the phrase "my bad" comes from.

  5. Thats Ghetto talk.

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