
Where did the fad of wearing the pants down below the hips come from?And why?

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My sis says it came from poor families handing dads clothes down to the kids and because they were too big for the kids, they wore them low and without a belt because they are too poor to buy a belt.

I say it came from the prisons. Who is right?




  1. It came from an ancient African tribe in Zambia called the Zimbabakakawalazumegadodopodapos.  The adulthood rite of passage and initiation into the tribe would be bum rape by the entire tribal male population.  As a sign of pride, the new initiate would walk around with his tribal skirt around his knees, in the same position that the chief yanked it down to (since the chieftain had first dibs; he hated sloppy seconds).  The new initiate bared his newly torn bunghole for all to see.  

    So it was originally a tradition for descendants of the Zimbabakakawalazumegadodopodapo tribe, but now just got way out of hand.  Now ALL the kids are putting their pants around their knees to try to show their manhood.  If only the kids knew what the h**l they were doing, they wouldn't do it.  Oh well.

  2. you are

  3. It came from jail/prison because ppl cant wear belts in there because they might be crazy enough to hang themselves.

  4. Neither!!!!!!

    ITs just a passing fashion statement to shock the older gneration.

    The kids today have to have a fashion that absolutely is a abomination

    to the older parents generation and having your azz hanging out your draws showing ishe most grossest thing this youth generation can come up with for they know we hate to see these kids azzs hanging out and specially with the draws out and azz stains and all.

    gross absolutely azzcoal gross and they know this and get told it and still do it its like the older generation waaalking around in long

    unwashed hair and bell bottom blue jeans smelling like a arm pit

    with dirty greasy hair down to there azzsets. Besides being a abmination to the stern moms and pops of the fiftys these filthy

    hippie types where just as bad as todays skater grunge bumm

    showing azzcoals pants to their nutt saggs.

    cheers Once they get tired since they are a generation full of quit

    and lazy habits they will get some real britches that stay over those

    azzcoals and cover up there nutts. Its only a passing thing.

    They will get tired pulling up from the cold. those nasty draws.


  5. Its from prisons. Im sure it is both reasons but mostly because of prison. I guess people thought it was cool to wear clothes they cant fit. I have no idea where they got that idea from.

  6. you are.  

  7. you are both wrong the style has come from rappers you know the old ones like NWA thye started the fad and now it wont end till you kill them all  

  8. From the plumbers showing their crack.  Dad made fun of them so the adolescent kids tried it too.  Ignore them.  Just as I do with plunbers.

  9. From what i remember in the 60's there was a style of pants called Hipsters, but they would sit on the hip line, not below. I guess it's just another form of someone trying to create a new style. I don't think it came from prison, they would not allow such tardiness.

  10. This was told to me in a criminal law class by a judge:  the fad started in prison.  Jocks wear their pants with the pocket hanging out, and their ***** walks behind them, holding the pocket, with their pants slung low.  This shows the rest of the prison who the ***** is and who the "owner" or "jock" is.

  11. I say it came from prisons, too.

    easy access i suppose

  12. I believe egyptians.

  13. Oh! It's a fashion came from european countries that are being copied in this country u do whatever u like forget all the stupid things u know

    that people used to tease girls by seeing the dressing style why u want to become a PREY stop litsening others ;->  

  14. It came from prisons. If your pants were off your bum, you were somebody's b****.

    Then it just leaked to the streets, and now into schools.

  15. It came from Bob The Builder.  

  16. i guess

  17. both wrong we got it from the old retired guys and then they were like ah you copied us you copiers! So now they wear their pants high

  18. I dont believe it came from prison, I believe like all fashions it came from someones designer skills...

  19. It Came From Prison

    Because People Would Loose Allot Of Weight in prison so to show this to other inmates they would pull up there boxers a let there pants hang down

    as i kind of statement to show wot the guards were doin to them  

  20. Prison

  21. I'm pretty sure it came from gang members wearing extra big pants so that they could fit guns in them.

    sounds a little weird but I think its true

  22. i think it came from the repair men that came to your house and there pants would always fall down below their butts remember these repair men wee white and white guys didn't have any butt so there pants would always fall down.  So when i see the Blacks wearing there pants like that I think the ignorant fools have no idea where it came from.

  23. Prison, because they aren't allowed to have belts(they would hang them self's). So some of their pants are like that.

  24. haha nice post #2 easy access lol

  25. In prison, if you were a guy who sagged his pants, you'd be checking out other guys. ^-^

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