
Where did the idea of NASA never landed on the Moon come from ??

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Any hard evidence, or resources that leads to this rumor ? And why would anyone lie about if they have landed or not? If not, so big deal, try again~!




  1. My favorite answer to all of this was a line in the recent documentary about the Apollo program.  It was at the end during the credits.  One of the older astronauts directly responded to the whole hoax thing by saying something like "Maybe we could have faked it once.  But NINE TIMES?"  :D  It was great...

  2. i think raymond pretty much nailed it, except backwards... its the loss of confidence in the US govt that seeds the minds of the gullible, allowing belief in the unbelievable.

    going to the Moon was a big deal, but these days not even a big deal will impress most people, so those few doubters gaze their myopic eyes, protected behind gamma-ray proof glasses, straighten their tin-foil hats and proclaim the whole program as false.


  3. Why would anyone lie about it?

    That's a good question.  Let's see, you could write a book about it and sell it.  You could hawk your book on TV and radio.  You can get money for appearing on TV, for example.  You might be able to make an "honest living" pushing c**p like this.  After all, evangelists do this all the time.  They push garbage theology - they'll even push hate - and make millions.

    Another question is why would anyone defend NASA?  And why so many?  And why are they so passionate about it?  There's practically nothing to be made there.  Even Phil Plait doesn't make money at it.  He gets calls all the time about appearing on talk shows over this stuff.  Often when he tells them that he debunks this kind of thing, they withdraw their offer.  Common sense is viewed as uninteresting, and besides, it's common sense - it doesn't need an advocate.

    But let's say that the claim is that Evolution is wrong.  But you know that through the development and deployment of antibiotics - it has already saved your life.  It matters, right?  When it comes down to it, the truth matters.

  4. There a few with aluminum foil hats that see conspiracy everywhere they look.

  5. gross stupidity.

  6. So far, I haven't seen any hard evidence that would convince people it's a fake. I think the reason the hoax theory came up is that many people just weren't ready for that kind of leap in technology. Within an incredibly short span of time we went from the horse and buggy to a rocket. That was hard to deal with and so many chose to believe it never happened at all.

  7. something about shadows and noise.

  8. What is more probable?

    We went to the moon with less computer power than a modern digital watch, and we're going back again. Then to Mars. Then off to Zeta Reticuli!


    Your government has sold you out to the coming 4th Reich known as the New World Order that will soon try to force these on you:

    Get saved and repent now while you still can. Your salvation is free!

  9. In the strictest sense, there is evidence. But every bit of it can be shown as false either with a few seconds' thought, or by finding the facts that deal with whatever point is being discussed.

    There will be technical arguments from now until Doomsday (which isn't in 2012, by the way). The arguments I usually use with people who are genuinely asking are just logic. Such as the logistics of having to hush up hundreds of thousands of people who knew about the hoax.  Or for only a few people to know about it, while the hundreds of thousands of others on the project built machines that actually could go there.

    As for those who question it rigorously on Wacko! Answers, don't bother replying. Never argue with someone who knows they're right. And you're not going to cure air-headedness one person at a time on a website like this.

    By the way, the idea really grew legs with a Fox documentary in 2001. Before that, it was just people who had an axe to grind with "the government" for one reason or another. Read this for the details on what was put forward:

  10. Oh please, there is no evidence at all, much less "hard evidence". Their "conspiricy theores" are quite amusing. Its something I would expect children playing in the sandbox to come up with.

    All their silly little "theories" are nothing more than a tangled web of ignorance and flawed logic.

    "Well, um, the flag was waving on the moon. So that proves it."

    Uh, no it doesn't. The flag had a horizontal bar, keeping it upright, and it was crumpled, not waving.

    "Well then how about the light sources? Can't explain that one can you?"

    Well, yes I can. The highly reflective lunar sruface, lunar module and astronaut sapce suites give the effect of multiple shadows.

    "Well then how about the Van Allen radiation belts?"

    This is one of the worst arguments out there. They moved through them so quickly that the only notieable affect was that communications were temporilly cut off. Even Dr. Van Allen said that they would not harm to Apollo astronautes.

    On top of all this, we left reflectors on the moon that are used to this day, and we were in a space race with the Russians. If anyone was going to come out and say that the moon landing was fake, it would be the Russians. And then you have the complete morons who think the cold war was fake despite the numerous deaths of American and Soviet soldiers throughout the period.

    NOTE: Sorry, I know I spelled some things wrong. Yahoo took away the spell check and I am a terrible speller. Sorry!

  11. The first published conspiracy theory was a book written in 1974 by a man named Bill Kaysing, called "We Never Went to the Moon."  Kaysing worked as a librarian and writer for one of the Apollo contractors, but he quit in 1963 for "personal reasons" that he later clarified had to do with his disgust over the United States involvement in Vietnam and its treatment of veterans.  In a radio interview he admitted he wrote the book after someone suggested he do something to embarrass the U.S. government.  Kaysing passed away a few years ago.  A number of authors and filmmakers have subsequently picked up the torch.

    No, there is no hard evidence.  The claims made by Kaysing and others are thoroughly naive and misrepresent the relevant facts and principles.  My opinion is that the authors do it to get attention.  As author Jim Oberg put it, these people are "cultural vandals."  They cannot seem to make a name for themselves in a positive way, so they become notorious by desecrating history.

  12. The idea came from lunatics.

  13. The original "Moon-Hoax" hoax started off with the flat Earth society, specifically the leader of the group.

    When he died, the driving force behind the hoax died with him.

    It is now resurrected as a mean to shake people's confidence in the US government.

    To be "real", the idea that the lunar landing was faked would have required the cooperation of the Soviet Union.  They were definitely not our friends at the time AND the lunar landing meant that we suddenly passed them in the space race.

    Because of the position of the Moon when Armstrong took "a small step for [a] man", they could receive the signal on all their radio telescopes.  We had to rely on a radio telescope in Australia to get the signal (Australians saw Neil step down a full 7 seconds before Americans did).

    Since 1931, we (humans) are able to tell where a signal from space comes from (with radio telescopes).  The more telescopes you have on a source, the more precisely you can tell where the signal comes from.

    If there had been any hint of a fake, the Soviets would have told everyone before the broadcast would have finished.  The cover-up would not even have lasted one day.

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