
Where did the misconception that feminists don't think children need fathers start?

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Rio- Are you saying that my premise that its a misconception that feminists don't think children need fathers is not true, as in feminists do beleive that children don't need fathers?




  1. It is a misconception- probably started from the trolls on this board.  Feminists (or maybe I just speak for myself) believe that having 2 loving parents is the best way to raise a child.  However, we don't live in a perfect world. Sometimes you have to make do with what you have.

  2. Untrue. Feminists think children need high-quality parenting, and if it comes from a single mother, so be it. We're not interested in placing families on an assembly line.

    EDIT: No, I'm saying that feminists believe that children need whatever works for them individually. Maybe some children really would be better off without a father — ever think of that?

  3. I've asked similar questions in which approx. 75% of the women think a child either does not need or is better off without a father.

  4. The Amazons.

  5. Misconstrued feminist views.

    I think Rio misread the question.

  6. this is a belief shared by FATHERS - not mothers - irrespective of what their belief system is.

    So, where and why did FATHERS buy into this misconception?  After all, they're the ones missing from the equation when it comes to raising their offspring.

  7. It's a stereotype.

    Among other things, feminists advocate that women should be able to choose whether they wish to have children, and how many.

    Apparently, that is too much of a radical idea for some people to handle.

    They can't compute "women can choose' without figuring that it's about how women feel about men.

    In fact, it's about how women feel about their own lives, but that doesn't make such exciting headlines in the supermarket tabloids and church newsletters.

    Cheers :-)

  8. Same place that feminism cause global warming started or that feminism want to kill all the men.

    Hysterical little minds.

  9. It started in the beginning. HAHAHA!

  10. I am a L*****n, and I know that my wife and I can raise healthy children in our household without needing a male figure in the picture to acheive this.   We have a g*y male friend who will be our donor and if he wants to spend time with his child, then he can.  But it is not everyone's opinion that every single child "needs" a father.  That is something that only the child can talk about some day.  And if our child ever feels the need to spend more time with his/her father, then that is the child's right.  But you have a misconception that a human being can only turn out healthy if there is a heterosexual set of parents, and YOU ARE WRONG.  It has been proven that children raised by same-s*x couples turn out just as intelligent and healthy as kids raised in homes with a mother and a father.  (And NO, kids don't all turn out g*y just because their parents are).  I was raised by my mother and father, and I am g*y even though they aren't.  And yes, I also think that many single moms do better alone than they would with some of those dads out there.  It's all on an individual basis.  Feminists are not the only ones who know that kids can turn out great even without fathers.  My dad moved out when I was a kid and it didn't ruin my life.

    Let's not forget that it is typically the FATHERS themselves who opt to not stick around for their kids.  Don't pin deadbeat dads on the feminists.

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