
Where did the name Matamoros come from? That is my sir-name. I have been told from Spain, but I'm not sure.

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If someone can help me find out where the sir-name Matamoros comes from and what it means I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.




  1. Well, I know that there is a called town in Mexico called Matamoros, and it's probably named after someone or something in Spain. By the way, the word that means "last name" is spelled "surname" .

  2. Mata means "to kill" in Spanish.

    Moros could 98% be a reference to the Arab Moors that inhabited the southern Iberian Peninsula, which is the peninsula that Spain and Portugal are housed in.

    Just a lucky guess, but could be possible that ur ancestry is derived from some part of Spain that must have had an ongoing negative relationship with the Arab-Moor population. They (Moors) did live on the peninsula for over 600 years.

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