
Where did the rumor start that black peole can't swim?

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And why do they wear those rubber caps on thier head?




  1. I have no idea friend where these crazed saying come from...bored no life folk i guess.

  2. the caps are fer aero dynamics-cut thru the water faster+the answer 2 black people is=TARZAN

    johnny weismuller was tarzan-but if u think-the setting-this is either south america or africa-wouldnt be a white man

    the rumour stated that they cant get a black man 2 play tarzan as they have different pores to white blokes-whites hav more grease+therefore repell water better(total rubbish) the rumour started in that area+is still used 2day-yet u look at some africans who dive for pearls etc-4-5 mins underwater,no problem-its a myth-black people can swim as well if not better-no encouragement for them

  3. im black and idk bout the cant swim part

    but the rubber caps is to keep our hair dry bcuz if it gets wet it becomes very hard and nappy like 4 ppl with perms... dey cnt get their hair wet

    (no offense) but kaukasian(or however u spell it) hispanic asian....etc...have hair that culd stay in water

    dnt kno how 2 word it though

  4. I am a black woman. We wear the rubber caps on our head to keep our hair dry.

    I believe - and this ain't no fact - that the rumor started back in slavery times. It probably had the same origin that black people had tails. It's not true though - I have some family members that swim like fish.

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