
Where did the summer go?

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It's supposedly over and I don't ever remember having one here? We had record levels of flooding!! Is is hiding from me?




  1. I know. Where I live, I usually do my springtime planting around April 1rst. This year, I had to wait until April 20th, because we were still getting freezing temperatures and now, my plants that flower around the middle of September have been in full bloom for over a week. We had very few days that reached over 100º F. Most of the highs this year were in the 80s &90s. In 1980 we had 50 days that reached 100º or more. Now that was a hot year. I have enjoyed the mild weather though.

  2. They changed it to "climate change" - now no matter what happens they blame us.    

    Panurge's answer is a great example of this doublespeak.

  3. The computer programmes that have predicted catastrophic global warming in the near future have also predicted that we would have  hotter drier summers. We have now had a series of colder wetter summers as the climate stubbornly refuses to behave as the global warming alarmists want. And indicates to me that the role of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has been substantially over estimated. It is a factor but only one in many.

  4. I know i didnt see one.......maybe i

  5. where the sun dont shine!

  6. all this rain washed it away

  7. You are seeing the first signs of abrupt climate change caused by global warming!  All over the world at the sub-tropic latitudes, the weather has gotten wetter and cooler. It has to do with the rapid increase in evaporation of the oceans. Here in the Pac. N. W. the wheat harvest has been delayed by more than 2 weeks!  We've had record cold,record heat, record rainfall.  I've had to turn on the heat several times this summer! Get ready for even more bizarre weather patterns to develop!

  8. Sorry but my area had one of the nicest summers ever.  

  9. Yes I know what you mean. :-( It's so sad, we didnt even get enough sunshine! Maybe you could travel to a mediterranean country or one further south, or australia and spend a late summer holiday there?

    Let's hope it will be better next year.

  10. All of you who had bad summers...where do you live? I'm in NY, mine was great!

  11. good question...summer really was a drag this year

  12. This is what happens when you have a bunch of so called scientists that concentrate on a weak chemical gas interaction in the atmosphere instead of the massive geologic events in the great ring of fire earth quake zone. Most if not all recent climate changes are due to geologic events like earthquakes altering the geography of the ocean bottom. Such alterations move ocean currents slightly causing alterations in the jet streams in the atmosphere. There have been major climate changes around the world caused by massive earthquake activity in Asia and South East Asia. Global warming alarmists prefer scare tactic propaganda instead of looking for real causes for weather and climate changes.

    We should be listening to geologists, geographers, oceanographers and other earth science experts instead of half-trained self styled climate experts that are not even qualified to give radio weather reports let alone forecast the worlds climate a hundred years in advance.

  13. I know, I feel your pain. Summer was misery this year which is why I am going to save my pennies for a long holiday somewhere next year with lots of sand, sea, beating-down sun and a beach bar. Yes the place will be full of British tourists but I need to warm my bones!

  14. I was thinking the same exact thing yesterday. Summers always seem to fly by and its such a drag when Fall arrives.

  15. Good question,It went soon after it arrived.That,s not very friendly is it?

  16. It went down the drain with all the rain :-(

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