
Where did the term greenhouse gas come from?

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GREENHOUSE GAS does not exist... Except in a greenhouse.

Another huge scam that scientists have pulled right over the eyes of the blind is the fact that it is a simple matter of density. All gases and any gas could be and would be considered a greenhouse gas by their definition. CO2, Methane and all other gases do not hold, retain or reflect heat or light any more than anything else.

It all comes down to a matter of density and we see it on the news all the time. A high pressure system produces more heat. A low pressure system produces less heat.

The gravitational pull of the Earth makes air more dense closer to Earth and less dense away from Earth, thereby clearly explaining why the temperatures are warmer, closer to the ground.

Higher density, more friction and easier for molecules to convect and radiate heat simply because they are closer together. Ever see a house catch fire simply because it was NEXT to a burning house?

Gas, air or whatever you want to call it, i




  1. the earth naturally has greenhouse gasses. the greenhouse effect is exactly what the name is; it is the warming of earth by the absorption of naturally occurring gasses as well as the gasses man is exerting into the environment. methane, CO2, water vapor and ozone all occur naturally in our atmosphere, the problem now is that with all the pollution we are creating by driving fossil fuel combustion cars, using coal, using phosphates and nitrates exceedingly, etc. we are creating too much of these gasses for our atmosphere to absorb thus, global warming. the "hole in the ozone layer" is not really the problem. actually there isn't a hole, we've just weighed it down. ozone is like... sunblock, so in essence it is good... as long as it's in the stratosphere. however with our constant polluting we have brought the ozone layer down to the troposphere, our "sphere". ozone reacts with UV rays from the sun as well as free radicals in the air (such as hydrocarbons and nitrates) this is what creates the "trapping" of greenhouse gasses. it's a pretty simple concept once all the facts are straight. it's not caused by the friction of molecules... or the density of air. it's caused by infrared and us clogging up the holes for it to escape our atmosphere.

  2. It comes from a faulty analogy between the greenhouse effect and actual greenhouses. Many people think that a greenhouse works by allowing the sun's rays to pass through the glass unhindered, and trapping the "heat" energy that's radiated back up from the ground. In reality, greenhouses work by convection. Energy from the sun heats the ground under the greenhouse, which in turn heats the air above, which can't escape through the structure's walls.

    Now, let's turn to your own faulty physics for a moment, shall we?

    Your statement that "Methane and all other gases do not hold, retain or reflect heat or light any more than anything else" is patently absurd. *All* matter has the capacity to absorb and radiate energy. That's how the pan you cooked your eggs and bacon in this morning heated up and then cooled off again (although convection and conduction also played a part).

    What makes a greenhouse gas a greenhouse gas is its absorption spectrum; that is, the particular wavelength of energy a molecule of that gas absorbs.

    Greenhouse gases work by absorbing some of the energy being radiated from Earth's surface, and then reradiating some of that energy back toward Earth, rather than allowing it to escape to space. In effect, greenhouse gases slow the rate energy is able to move from Earth to space.

    There's a lot more to cover in your little exposition, but I really don't know what else to say, except to express my shock at this statement: "Another huge scam that scientists have pulled right over the eyes of the blind."


    I don't want to be rude, but I *really* hope you're joking about being a nuclear engineer. (Kidding, of course. I don't really mind being rude.)

  3. Alan J so far has had the best explanation, but the environmentalists put the blame on CO2 which only makes up a small part of the atmosphere. It constitutes about .035%. That's not much. They fail to state that the biggest "greenhouse" affect is from the water vapor in the air.

    Global warming has been blamed on human activity but in reality, has been going on since the end of the last Ice Age. A lot has to do with sun spot activity, the earth's orbit, angle of axis, and position of the solar system in the galactic disc. There are also changes brought on by volcanic activity, and continental drift.

    The scare tactics used by the alarmists are proving them wrong so I refuse to give them any credence. AGW is being used for political reasons. As to a basis for "computer modeling" being reliable, there are too many variables to even come close to any concrete results.

    If man had such an impact on the weather, which is one small part of the climate, one would think we could affect it in a positive way.

    A good example that climate is independent of human activity is to see what has happened to the desert regions. The way the earth rotates and the resulting wind patterns determine what areas get rain and which don't. 10,000 years ago, the Sahara desert was wetter than it is now. What the reason was for that we can't really tell for any certainty, but I'm pretty sure, SUVs weren't the cause.

  4. Why don't you simply write a peer reviewed paper on your scientific findings!  You have some very startling statements concerning the Earth's atmosphere. Just think....if we could just get rid of those darn "greenhouses" ,then there would be no more greenhouse gases.   Hey, maybe you could get the Nobel Peace Prize folks to take away Al's prize ,and give it to you for your ground-breaking work that shows us how all the scientists have "pulled a scam"on the whole world!  I can't wait for the headlines,saying that all the flooding and severe weather is only a "hoax"!

  5. So, are we to believe that scientists are evil, stupid and incompetent and you are good, smart and capable?

    Despite your somewhat convoluted explanation of density, I'm glad to see that you agree with AGW.  More density of CO2 will cause more heat closer to the ground ;-)

  6. the earth is like a greenhouse because the gas is building up.  Greenhouses have little air escaping so this is where the term comes from.  the gas you refered to can be anything because most gases build up and corrode the Ozone layer.  you made valid points and as i am not an accomplished scientist (14) i can't answer them.  but i think fro re-reading your question that you are making a point not asking a question.

  7. its to do with there spectra. they are called greenhouse gasses because they can absorb and re emit infra red radiation. this has the effect of trapping heat around the earth like a greenhouse.

    now about your rant. what real qualifications do you have? high school physics ? you cannot just disprove something with pure thought.

    its nothing to do with friction. friction is the conversion of kinetic energy to heat and has nothing to do with Higher density.

    the house you are referring to was heated by convection conduction and radiation. not by friction.

    edit. thank you for educating me on the virtues of education and Boyle's law but this dose not apply here. unless you are increasing the pressure of a system there will be no change in temp.'s_law

  8. Just because you're in denial about global warming doesn't mean you get to re-write the laws of physics.  Nice try.

    Here, educate yourself:

  9. Hi Cindy,

    It sounds like you are about as pi**ed off as I am with these idiots who are doing much more harm than good!

    They are unable to think for themselves and accept whatever the latest Bulls***t that they are fed, without looking at the facts!

    Even when the simplest of science is put their direction they will ignore it!(probably because a little science and fact are far too much for their simple minds to comprehend!

    These fools are putting all of their faith in some theory that began as a joke back in the 1980's when we were actually thinking that the earth was getting ready to head into another ice age.

    It was a bad joke and it has gone way past it's 'sell by date'!

    I hope you have a 'thick skin', because these fools are going to keep attacking you with their misguided beliefs and statements.

    As far as your question is concerned, I do not have proof that I can refer to as a definite origin of the term 'greenhouse gas', but when I was talking with my brother a while back he told me he had found somewhere that it came out of an experiment in a 'greenhouse', where they decided to see what the difference(if any) there would be if they subjected the plants to higher levels of CO2(knowing that CO2 gas is by far the best nutrient for vegetation).

    The plants did show more rapid growth and darker green foliage, indicating that the increased levels of CO2 were beneficial to the plants.

    They also noticed that the temperature in the greenhouse with increased levels of CO2 was several degrees higher than in the other(s).

    This makes sense to me in a number of ways.

    If the leaves were darker green in color, They would have been absorbing more infra-red light, hence producing more heat.

    The chemical reaction of the more rapid growth would also have produced more heat.

    So this actually makes sense to me.

    The problem is that this is some science!

    The morons are not going to pay any attention because their minds are already made up!

    You will not change their minds no matter how much you try.

    I am just glad to see that the whole world hasn't gone completely mad. There are more proper scientists that know this is BS!

    Just a friendly word of advice for the future.

    When you ask a question, don't let your temper show.

    They will only use it against you!

    I hope you find your answer.


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