
Where did they Black Death Originate?

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Does anyone know where the black death came from? I heard it came from ships but whose was it and when and where did it come from? Please help me with this question and show the website where you got information from (or books) thanks :)




  1. black death aka the black plague was when disease festered and was spread around the world; especially in europe where thousands died

    here wikipedia(:

  2. If you mean the European outbreak in the 1340's, China/Mongolia is the traditional answer, however there are a number of contending theories.  (Eg, North Africa via India, or India).

    The disease was at that time fairly common in China and India on and off, so it is hard to say which of the outbreaks at the time was the one which spread to Europe.

    It came in by land to the eastern Mediterranean (Caffa in the Crimea is a common theory) and then spread by sea throughout Italy and from there to the rest of Europe.

    Where it originated is unsure.  Most ancient accounts of "Plagues" do not record detailed symptoms, and the three forms of Bubonic Plague make it even harder to track from contemporaneous accounts.

  3. Rats on ships were to blame for the spread of the plague. The origination of the plague was possibly by  the Mongol Empire which had been defeated by the Battle of Lepanto and were catapulted into the Italian camps and rats infested them and began to spread the plague. It actually came from the fleas that were on the rats that were the source of the plague.

  4. It came from ships that carried rats, not on purpose of course, but they would get into the ships and then they would travel across seas and they would spread disease. Rats are completely disgusting.

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