I had a messed up naightmarish dream last night, a combination of three different scenarios. But one of them especially bugged me...
I have this neighbour at our vacation pozzi, but it's been a while since I've seen him as we're renovating our house. so last new year, our families stayed home and had a BBQ. something was in the air and we both confessed liking one another.
at the time he had just broken up with his girlfriend and both of us knew he was moving 4 hours away, thus nothing happened.
last night i dreamt i was at some kind of festival, where he and a friend was promoting something. i saw him, called his name and our eyes met. his friend wanted to know who i was, but he didn't answer and didn't come over.
but later, he returned to me, alone, took me by the hands and just gazed in my eyes for what felt like an eternity. then i woke up.
i know dreams originate in your subconsious mind but what could have triggered the memory and will something happen??