
Where did white people (Europeans and their decendants) come from?

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I have read from some so-called scientific studies that whites originated in Africa, but these same people say everybody came from there but I do not believe that either. White people are so different from most humans on the Earth, and they are particularly not really accostumed to the Earth. Its the way they act, the way they do things, the way that their minds believe and their general profile as beings is not condusive with the Earth. They seem to be terrified and against nature. Like how they readily adopted Judaic ideation but that ideation is about people from Africa not the people from Europe. I am Native American (Indigenous American) and we have our own beliefs as to where people from all around the world came from. So I would like to compare answers. No racist rhetoric please. I really want true opinions of where other people believe white people came from.




  1. Everyone else has given you theories about where Whites came from.  What I would like to explain to you, is how you are using an antiquated method for finding the truth.  You are basing your understanding of where whites came from based on hearsay (what others have told you / gossip) and your own personal experience.  Experts have known since the Renaissance that these methods of truth detection are highly prone to error.  Therefore a tool was created, it's called the Scientific Method, it's primary goal is to remove error from the process of truth detection.  It is not intuitive and takes some time to get used to, but once you understand it and use it I think you'll start coming up with much better answers to your question.

    Some things that hearsay and personal experience have invented: bigotry, ignorance, racism, religion

    Some things that the Scientific Method has invented: Steam power, electricity, computers, the internet, nuclear bombs, guns, democracy, capitalism

    You can continue to use your antiquated methods for truth detection, 90% of the world does after all, I'm just trying to let you know there is a much more advanced alternative out there just waiting for you to use. At a minimum you could just try it and see and go back to your medieval-era ways of truth detection if you don't like science.  Couldn't hurt right?

  2. Mac is such an idiot. He said white people are the majority on earth. shows how much "education" is a joke, because white people make up 10 to 11% of the global population. The rest of the world, 90%, is people of COLOR.  

    Some White people act like straight up ALIENS. They study life on earth like they landed here from Mars. They also need so many inventions to get by. They can't be comfortable with nature unless they are a safe distance away from it. And they act like they want to dominate everything.

    But they are regular humans, they came from Black people. I have heard theories that they are albino mutants. An albino is person born with very little to no melanin in their skin, eyes, and hair. Lack of melanin leads to red, blue, or green eyes and blonde, red or light brown hair, and pale skin.

    The theory says that a group of black skinned early humans migrated out of Africa into Europe and got trapped in an Ice Age. Albinos are a somewhat a common mutation among people of color all over the world, and apparently albinos were better suited for the low light, cold atmosphere than dark skinned people. Albinos were a mutation that was an advantage (light skin in low light allowed more sunlight through and made it easier for the body to make vitamin D), and other featrures such as narrowed noses, thin lips, and straight hair became advantages too.

    It was published in a recent national science magazine this year that Early Europeans (H. Sapiens Sapiens) mated and merged with Neanderthals. They weren't quite human but they were close and White people saw them as suitable mates.

  3. Mitochondrial DNA speaking, Europeans are the furthest derived from the original African population, meaning they are the most different from Africans than any other population in this regard. Otherwise than that, all of their differences are largeyl superficial. We all had a single origin in Africa. Mountains of evidence will confirm this.

  4. I am 25%White 25%Black 25%Native American and 25%Asian

    i beg to differ

    I live with a bunch of white people there like my brothers and sisters

    well a select few that i was raised with in the same town.

    we go up to the mountains and don't go into our cabin until late late night

    were not afraid to get dirty at all

    have you ever played manhunt in marshlands (it gets real messy) if you know what man hunt is.

    i don't care where we come from in my eyes those guys are my brothers

    and when doing things i that involve mind work i wouldn't think of a better team than me and my buds who are mostly white because we can put ideas together and our smaller ideas usually make a great plan put together.

    where we come from i don't know

    but i always thought of  it  like a story in the bible

    there was a great civilization that wanted to build to the heavens. but god got angry and made them speak in different  ways so they couldn't talk to each other. and so he destroyed the building and they split up and thats how different cultures began. encountering different obstacles and genetically changing to fit the new homes and the climates the lived in.

  5. I am a white woman and I want you to know that I believe that all people were created by God, however you chose to define him/her.  I also believe that there is a certain truth to the evolutionary theory, but I question whether all life first began in Africa, not because of psycho-babal theories, but because of the minor physical differences, hair color, stature, skin tones, and other noticeable differences.  I first heard that there were several species of humans, but archeologists said that those species were not here at the same time.  As an example cromagnon and others.  I believe that there were different species developing simultaneously in different parts of the world and they evolved slightly differently based on the physical needs of the areas in which they lived.  For instance, Northern Europeans were predominately fair with light eyes, all to allow the body to make the most efficient use of the limited sunlight, Asian skin has slightly more melenan to reduce input of ultraviolet rays, had eyes that were slightly tilted and not wide open because of the harsh winds.  You can go through each of the races and see why those differences occur.  To submit that whites as a race are different from other humans and unaccustomed to the earath is not only foolish, but short sighted.  Just as in other groups, including your own, there are wise people and foolish people, there are sensitive people and insensitive people, and those that value what God has given us and those who devalue those gifts.  As a mother and grandmother I have taught my children to treasure this planet and the things of nature upon it, to use its gifts wisely and to be thankful for nature and its beauty.  We are not afraid of nature and commune with it whenever possible.  The whites as a whole did not adopt any ideation, but had beliefs of their own for thousands of years.  You may want to look into Northern European Celtic religions.  Even when they were concured by the Moors, the Spanish and the Portugese, they held fastly to their own perceptions of God/Gods.  The Greeks and the Romans did the same thing.  The major change was not Judaic, but Christian.   Christianity in the early days was both devisive and cohesive.  Christianity has taken hold in much of Africa as well.  It has given people hope and a sense of unity.  When you generalize as to what any groups mind believes you show your own biases and ignorance.  If you would like to be seen as a human being with individual value you need to put your own prejudice away.

  6. hMm. . first of all this sounds like a racial question not a scientific question. all people- no matter their race have their own beliefs and act in their ways.

    to answer your scientific question. yes we all originated around africa (back then it was one big piece of land - no continents) we started off as gorillas and became homo erectus and so on. if you google this you can find it. it is called evolution. our bodies changed as the world did. when the continents moved so did the people on it which moved them to new climates. this is what originated the way we all look differently in parts of the world. it took millions of years for these changes to occur but thats how we adapt to our enviroment.

    they are saying that soon the lighter skinned people will slowly die out. technically our kids will just keep getting darker skinned, because of the sun, we are slowly adapting to the changes of the climate

    get it

  7. from the original man...due to lack of sun.. melanin was lost eventually we get the colorless ghost.. the one ... the only.. the honeky.. the cracker.. the jacker...

  8. I find it ironic that you say "white people are different from most people on earth" because white people are the super majority of people on earth. And we are accustomed pretty well.

  9. I am skeptical of the out of Africa theory because it neglects the "Savanastan" with nearly identical habitat in Asia. Humans co-evolved in Eurasia and Africa and animals including our ancestors moved back and forth.  Our ancestors are inter-rellated.  Some that lived in the south-Asia took advantage of the receding glaciers a few thousand years ago and moved from the area around Iran to Europe.  There were many other migrations as well that are extremely difficult to document.  Humans move around and migrate.  That is why the white race is not so different from others.   We are light skinned to increase vitamin D production in our skin (theoretically) but we share many genes with other populations.  The difference from you and some dark skinned people is really nothing more than less melanin in the skin.  I think you are mistaken if you think there is a big difference.

  10. r u kidding me.. white people are not all the same at all.. how dare you say this "White people are so different from most humans on the Earth, and they are particularly not really accostumed to the Earth. Its the way they act, the way they do things, the way that their minds believe and their general profile as beings is not condusive with the Earth. They seem to be terrified and against nature."  its not even true!!! i know white people who r like this (and i dont like them) and i also know white people who r not like this at all and im one of them.. i have a little bit of native american blood in me also, im also italian, czech, and english.. i am not a "typical white person" but i do consider myself white. i love nature.  im offended when ppl classify me becuz i am my own unique person.. i believe they came from all different countries.

  11. Human life began in Mesopotamia.  The more curious (or maybe hungry) people slowly migrated from the hotter zones of the earth.  In doing so, they slowly lost much of the melanin in their skin because it blocked sunlight (less of it the further north you go) which is essential in utilizing vitamin D.  That's why white people are now more comfortable in cool climes, while black people don't do cold and cloudy as well as white people.  It's just an evolution thing.

    These days we all know how to stay warmer or cooler relatively easily, so it's all less noticeable.  It is predicted that by 2050 due to interracial marriages we will all be having cafe colored children.  Maybe they will be able to survive a world created by global warming.  Maybe God has it all planned out, because we're not trying to consciously do much about global warming ourselves.  Just food for thought.

  12. Like everyone else, from Africa.  One group moved north to Europe; another went east to Asia and then across the Bering Strait to the Americas (including your forebears).  With separation of populations, you get differential evolution; dark skin has advantages in Africa, but not in colder climates, and evolution does not preserve useless traits.

  13. Modern humans evolved in Africa, then spread out throughout the world, gradually. Local populations adapted to their local areas throughout the millennia, and this process occurred among Europeans as among others. Europeans were not notably that different technologically from others in the world until relatively recently. You can read Jared Diamond's book Guns, Germs, and Steel for more information.

    I'm not sure what you mean by Judaic ideation, but it's true that while Europe adopted a Judeo-Christian ethos, European Church leaders actually jettisoned a lot of the laws and customs of Judaism. So for example, in Judaism, founded in a hot climate, burial of the dead must occur with haste. Same in Islam. But Christianity does not have this practice. In Judaism, pigs are unclean and not to be eaten or raised. In Europe, which is environmentally much more conducive to raising pigs, pigs are fine to raise and eat. Etc.

  14. JY,

    Why should you believe claims from people just because they have spent years learning a discipline in a field of study?

    Who are these intellectuals who would have average people who don't particularly like to do a lot of reading and things like studying who want us average people to accept information that flies in the face of our closely held misconceptions?

    I mean, why can't we just believe what the he$$ we want to and not bother with the ruminations people?

    Oh! To answer your question about where us white people originated...

    AFRICA, of course!

    Crack a book, it will free you from your self imposed bondage.

  15. greenland

  16. south central LA

  17. white ppl originated from babylon a city state in the middle east and spread throughout eurasia and to the americas

  18. you have some strange ideas about white people....

    they are indo-aryan if i remember correctly and their

    last known origination point would have been perisa

    or somewhere over there in the far middle east....

  19. I dont know if this is off Topic but I think we did all come from the same place but us(white people) had an ancestors that didnt care for spirtuallity so they had their own way and taught their family that. So it got passed down. Even though you said no racist remarks I just want to say were not all that way I myself am very connected with the earth. I totally know where your coming from though people just dont care they just want money and things and kind of say s***w nature and the things that keep me and everybody eles living.

  20. Most Europeans, as well as many nationalities in the Middle East and India descend from the Proto-Indo-Europeans who were a group of people that lived on the border between Russia and Ukraine in the hilly areas.  Indo-European is the name for the collective group of languages spoken in Europe, the Middle East, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and India; Proto-Indo-European is the language they themselves spoke. They migrated across Europe, into the Middle East, and as far as India where the languages evolved into the modern groups (Germanic, Slavic, Celtic, etc).  This why basic words in many languages are similar (such as numbers, family members, etc).  This group DOES NOT include the major groups of peoples and languages of Estonia, Finland, Hungary, and the Basque language which belong in the Finno-Ugric family.  Some have speard obviously, such as English which is practically world-wide, and Afrikaans (Dutch for African) which resulted when the Dutch settled in Africa.  Many countries in Africa also speak French and Portuguese for this same reason.  Spanish spread to Central and South America during the time of the conquistadors and Portuguese spread to Brazil when Portugal established mercantilism.  The same applies to outside influence reaching the Carribean and West Indies.

  21. Adam and Eve

  22. from europe?

  23. i believe they came from Africa, over thousands of years they lived in places where the sun wasn't so hot, and there skin slowly started to lighten because it didn't need that much protection from the sun. simple evolution

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