
Where did your newborn sleep?

by  |  earlier

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hello. just curious of peoples personal experiences. where did or does, your newborn sleep. did they sleep in a bassinet next to you rbed, a crib in your room, always in their own nursery, or what, and till what age? thanks. blessings

P.S i am NOT looking for advice, everyone has their own parenting preferences, and i have my own as well. i am just taking a poll i guess you could say. blessings




  1. Bassinet in room then crib in nursery

  2. i nursed both of my daughters and both slept with me until they were between 6-8 months old.

  3. Ever since my baby came home she slept in her own room in her own crib.

  4. My baby slept in a bassinet by my bed for her first three months, then moved to a crib in her own room. She enjoyed it. I would never have them sleep with me personally because I'm sure I would smother them with how hard I sleep.

  5. My son slept in a bassinet next to the bed, but that only lasted a few weeks. We're both pretty light sleepers and my husband snores, so my son and I woke often.

    After that, he stayed in the bassinet but in his room for a few more weeks, then went into his crib.

  6. Hiya

    With both my 2 we had them in a moses basket (bassinet) in our room until they were about 4 months and then they went into a cot, still in our room until 9 months old.

    Is congratulations in order? if so then congrats :)


  7. I have 3 girls and they each had their own prefrences where they slept.  My oldest daughter wanted nothing to do with the bassinet and slept in her own bed from day one.  My second daughter slept in the bassinet in our bedroom until she was 3 months old.  Our youngest slept in our bed until she was 6 weeks old, then in her own bed.  We let each of our daughters decide where they wanted to be.

  8. in asia where my parents are from we have kids sleepign in the same bed with us it quite old. - up to teens sometimes

    with my own kid in america we started off in our bed for bonding reasons as i had  nede to bond with the kid.

    at about 4 months we had a little crib by our bed.

    later hr had a big crib in our room which later at about 10 months old went into his separate room.

  9. bassinet in the room until 2 months then a crib.

  10. my daughter slept in a bassinet in our room for about 2 months. when she started waking only once a night or less she moved to

    a crib in her nursery.

  11. With me and my husband in the bed

  12. Both of our boys slept next to me in bed, I was nursing and it was so much easier! They are now 4 and 7 and have slept just fine on their own since around a year.

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