
Where do Federal Reserve chiefs Greenspan and Bernanke have their own wealth stored (if not in the US Dollar)?

by Guest63531  |  earlier

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In a recent interview on a news show, former Fed chief Allen Greenspan declined to disclose where he kept his personal wealth stored, which made it seem as if he did not keep it in US Dollars. If he believed in the longevity of the Dollar, why didn't he just say "in US Dollars." How can Fed chiefs bet against the Dollar if they have knowledge of or the power to cause its demise? Why aren't there disclosure laws compelling Federal Reserve officials and elected officials to disclose where they have their wealth parked?




  1. of course that means he has moved everything offshore. he is no fool. he may be a zionist agent, but he is no fool. you don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing.

    he wrote an essay on this subject years before he was chairman. he decried the inevitable result of outrageous deficit spending and the falling value of a dollar which was no longer backed by gold. he would not dream of keeping major investments in dollars. the risk is far too great.

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