
Where do I buy a plug in electric car that runs over 60 mph and does not cost $ 100,000. ?

by Guest34502  |  earlier

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It is time for this old man to find an electric car, but most run 30+ mph and have a range of 50 miles per charge, fancy golf cart ?




  1. Lots of used electric vehicles (as low as $1,000) on EV Trading Post and EVfinder.

    But, buy them quickly, as they are rare!

  2. Sam's Club.  Only $35,000 for real street performance.  The more we all ask for this, the more likely it will be offered again!

  3. Many places!,,

    don't let the ney sayers and uneducated direct your path!

  4. You can get one but the cost of the extension cord is prohibitive.

  5. No where. The reason plug ins are not successful is simply because:

    1. Short range

    2. Long Recharge time

    3. cost

    4. Battery problems - Life / cost / safety / etc.

    5. Just moves pollution to electrical power source.

    In our neighborhood, everyone has a cart. Most do not choose electric even for local use due to almost the same list. Why would anyone want an electric car other than some "Feely Good" reason.

  6. I'm starting to wonder about the naysayers. Methinks they like the greedy profiteering oil industry. check out the sites provided.

    Happy Motoring

  7. No where today, because it does not exist.

  8. There is no such car on the market. The Tesla car costs $100,000 and all less expensive ones fall far short of the performance goal you have set.

  9. The Chevy Volt, scheduled for 2010 is  hybrid electric vehicle meaning it will take you 40 miles on one charge, then switch to gasoline (a Range Extended Electric Vehicle) for the further distance. So if you only went 60 miles it would have an mpg of 150 miles. Top speed is over 100mph.

    The advice to wait seems pretty good, the Toyota A-BAT previously mentioned will be nice when released. Saturn will have a Vue two mode plugin in a couple of years, Volvo will have a plugin, and Dana1981 links are great.

    The main problem is the cost of the battery to take you over 50 miles. They're much more economical to manufacture/buy at the 40 miles range, hence the reason why some others cost >$100k

  10. From one old man to another, my advice is to wait.  There will probably be good plug in electric and hybrids available in 2010 or 2011.  Researchers are making great strides in Lithium Ion battery technology at this time.  I am interested in the Toyota A-BAT concept car, which is basically a Prius truck.  All the parts already exist, it's just a matter of different body panels.  I think several makers will have plug-in hybrids in two or three years.  (Ford and Saturn?)

  11. There are a few modified ones available today as linked by adio_J.

    If you want a new car specifically designed to be fully electric which meets your specs (high-speed, long-range, affordable), they'll become available within the next year or two.

    Available in California in October 2008, the Aptera typ-1e will cost about $27,000 with a top speed of 95 mph and range of 120 miles per charge.

    Soon thereafter Aptera will introduce the typ-1h, a plug-in hybrid version of the typ-1e with a 40-60 mile range on purely electrical energy, and a range of over 600 miles total when in electric/gas hybrid mode, for around $30,000.  On a 120 mile trip, the typ-1h will get 300 miles per gallon.  The shorter the trip, the higher the efficiency.

    Available in late 2009, the ZAP Alias will cost $30,000, have a top speed of 100 mph, and a range of 100 miles per charge.

    Soon thereafter the ZAP-X will be available at a cost of $60,000 with a top speed of 155 mph and a range of 350 miles per charge.

    Available in 2009, the Miles Javlon will cost $30,000 with a top speed of 80 mph and a range of 120 miles per charge.

    Phoenix Motorcars will start selling their SUT to individuals in late 2008 or early 2009.  It will cost $45,000 and have a top speed of 100 mph with a range of 100+ miles per charge.

    The big automakers are led by GM in this category with the Chevy Volt.  It's looking like it will probably be available in 2011, but closer to $40,000 than the $30,000 they were initially shooting for.  It will go 40 miles on purely electric, then act as a gas/electric hybrid after that.  Several other big automakers are also working on plug-in hybrids.

  12. No where today basically.  The technology is so expensive.

    Some day they will cost this much but not in this generation.

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