
Where do I buy parrot eggs? It is for a project with my teenage grandson.?

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I know this is a stupid thing to try but we do stupid things for grandkids. I know others have done this. I know if they hatch it will be very hard work to raise the baby but a project with a 15yr old granson is priceless. He is very mature and wants this very much. I have always been good at raising baby critters. He seens to have inherited this gift too.




  1. That's so cute, but first you have to buy two parrots and let them do their thing


    These are scams. Parrot eggs have to be incubated- lot's of them from the day they are laid. Also eggs must be flipped- the mother bird, depending on the species, will do this every day. Parrot eggs are not like duck or chicken eggs- you can't have them sent through the mail to incubate and turn them at home and have a baby that pops out and is ready to eat on it's own. Parrot eggs are very environmental sensitive, alot of breeders won't even touch their eggs unless they think a problem is arising. Lot's of breeders that have to incubate their own eggs know what a pain in the butt it is.

    Because I breed parrotlets I know many, many breeders of different species...none have ever sold an egg. Why? Because the people who bought them would not be able to hatch the babies out...they would never survive. Sometimes breeders even have trouble with incubating...and they are used to it. I see eggs on the internet for sale all the time- amazons that you would pay over $1,000.00 for for $30. Hyacinth Macaw eggs (Hyacinth are about $7,000.00 a bird)

    for $ much sense does that make for a breeder to only make $30 versus $7,000 if he hatched it out himself???

    It doesn't and that is because it is a scam and usually scams don't make any sense.

    Even if it were true and you could do this, baby parrots are born with no feathers, eyes closed and totally dependant on their parents (or breeders). A day old chick (for at least the first 7 days) must be fed every 45 minutes to an hour....round the clock. Depending on the species, weaning can go fast or very, very slow. You could be down to 4 feedings a day after 4 months or you could still be feeding 2 times daily for 5 or 6 months. If your grandson really wants to hatch out eggs- order the duck eggs, they are easy and they are truley available for mail order.

  3. Just because we want to do something does not mean it is a good idea.

    Raising parrot chicks is something best done by someone with experience. More often than not, first-timers make a mess of the entire thing and end up killing the parrot chick (and I am sure that will indeed be a life-long memory both of you do not want to share).

    Parrots are extremely demanding birds and many parrot chicks reject their foster parents as they approach sexual maturity as they need to get away from the next and bod with another person out of the family. It's complicated.

    And once the chick is weaned, it is not responsible of you to pass it on to someone else either since depending on the bird you can afford, they could live from anywhere between 12 years and 70 years.

    The only way I can think of for you to actually get eggs would be from a breeder and thanfully, I believe no breeder worth her petfeed will ever let such a thing happen.

    Why don't you check with your local animal rescue if they have some dove chicks or some other 'easier' birds you could help foster. That, I believe will be a more worthwhile endeavour for both of you..

  4. Raise a baby chicken from an egg.  You can get the eggs from any chicken farm in the area, and they don't cost but a few bucks.  No breeder is going to sell you a parrot egg.  Are you nuts??

    Depending on the type of parrot, once weaned, they sell for 300 -1600 dollars!  A hyacinth macaw sells for several THOUSAND dollars!   :: rolls eyes:::

    I don't think it's a good idea to use live animals as "cute, science projects".   But if you must... use a chicken, and give it back to the chicken farm when you are done "experimenting" and your grandson is bored with it.

    Added:  I guess you don't realize you will need an incubator, and special handfeeding food for parrots, and then you will need a small cage, perches, food, toys etc.  

    Then you will need to let the bird fledge (learn to fly), have it DNA'd for it's gender identification, take it to an avian vet for at least an initial check-up...  

    If you don't rehome or sell the bird soon after weaning it will need a much bigger cage.  Depending on the type of parrot and the cage it needs, that could cost you up to 600-800 dollars!  And parrots eat special parrot foods, as well as nuts, veggies, and fruits.  You have NO IDEA what keeping a parrot entails.


    One last thing:  Parrots are LOUD and vocalize a lot!  Also,  

    Parrots BITE.  All birds bite now and then, but parrots can do some serious damage, especially the bigger ones with bigger beaks.  I mean they can take OFF a kid's finger!  Won't that be 'priceless'...

  5. Not a good idea.

    even you say it's a stupid thing.  so why do it?

    I don't believe for one minute you know anything about parrots, especially raising one from an egg!

  6. Try this.  Just make sure to take care of them once they hatch and if you are going to hatch them please don't stick them in a shelter, not saying that you would, or anything, but you just can't trust some people these days.  Good luck.

  7. I like Tina's answer the best however if you do decide to raise from a baby, check the local want ads for FREE baby parrots sometimes you will get lucky and find a re-home near you for little or no cost. Certinaly worth investigating. I'm currently looking into 2 african greys gaurenteed egg producing for only half the shipping cost from Cameroon a mer $185.00. Good luck

  8. I don't think you can buy Parrot eggs. If you breed your own Parrots then that's probably the only way you'll have access to Parrot eggs. A good project would also be if you bought a baby Parrot or some less expensive bird and raised it together now that's something nice to do and you three would bond.

    Owner of 2 Conures "Paco & Peaches"

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