
Where do I classify these books?

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Where do I classify the following books? Fiction or Non-fiction?

a) The Complete C.S. Lewis - this one contains "The Screwtape Letters", which is fiction, as well as works like "Mere Christianity", "Miracles", "The Problem of Pain", "A Grief Observed", etc., which falls into non-fiction

b)Shakespeare's Sonnets which, as is most probably obvious, are sonnets. Poetry.




  1. I've gone back and forth on this sort of thing so many times and I've found that the more I read, and buy, the more impossible it becomes. I don't guess I'll ever be totally satisfied, but it is a personal library after all, and for now I have settled on the following system. I only break out actual, obvious reference works. Everything else, philosophy, biography, essays all go into literature alphabetically by author. I think it's really a matter of what will work for you personally. You need to have your own brain map of what's where. No one else will really care that much, just do what works the best for you when you want to find a book.

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