
Where do I complain if I get tele-marketing calls even after registering in the do not call registry?

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Where do I complain if I get tele-marketing calls even after registering in the do not call registry ? I had registered 2 months back but still I receive telemarketing calls.




  1. I think the "do not call" registry allow some tele marketer (Charities I think).  Why don't you email them again and specifically name those who contacted you, they might take notice.  Worth a try.

  2. you complain to the do not call registry. the company will get fined. but, they allow debt collections and charities. if you want to be taken from the list ask the people who call you to stop. if they dont, turn them in. u gave them a chance.

  3. Even if you register , thecompanies can take upto 60 days to activate ur request. So be patient. Even if it is not done after 60 dyas u can lodge a complaint directly with TRAI in their website

  4. Genuine market research companies are not covered by the Telephone Preference Service, as they are research based and not selling anything or passing on your details to anyone who might. Make sure that the calls you are getting are not in fact from market research organisations. I work for one, and people usually just shout abuse and slam the phone down or tell me I am lying when I try to explain this to them. They also don't give me the time to tell them how to stop us calling them again. If you don't want a particular company to call you again, you must give your permission to a senior member of staff for them to put you on the company's own "do not recontact" database. This involves not hanging up. We need your permission because it involves storing your personal details, and the data protection act requires your permission for this to happen.  Contrary to popular belief, market research companies do not buy poeple's numbers and detaills and then use them to contact you. When I call anyone, unless we have called before and got permission to call back

    when we have different surveys or unless the details were given us by the client (like when we do surveys of customers for banks), I don't know any more about the person at the other end than their telephone number, which dissapears at the end of the call. Most market research organisations use "random digit dialling" - this involves taking an area code and randomly dialling the last 3 or 4 digits of the number. This means that the research candidates are chosen totally at random and produces a more accurate result. We do surveys for all sorts of organsiations, mostly local councils or national newpapers, but sometimes also for brands.

    Unfortunately for you, now that a lot of sales companies have moved outwith the UK they can get away with calling you even when you are registred not to get sales calls. And of course, some disreputable companies that operate within

    the UK just don't follow the rules. My advice to you is to find out the name of the company calling you, why they are calling and the name of the person calling you. Ask them why they have called you when you are registered with the telephone preference service. If they are market researchers, ask to be put on the do not recontact database. You should not need to give any other info for this than your name and telephone number and your permission, to a manager or supervisor. Be patient and don't hang up as they will lose your number and you might get called again by some unsuspecting market researcher!

    If they are a sales company, get as much info about them as you can and report them to the Telephone Preference Service along with the date, time and length of the call. There are heavy fines for companies violating the guidelines.

    Good luck!

  5. Actually Tele-marketers will pass ur details to their friends in another organisation if u are a GOOD LISTENER.

    Dont answer them more than 10 mins. If they want to explain an offer ask them to mail u. Most of these persons are lazy in nature so they wont mail u and wont feel worthy to pass ur details to their friends.

    In my personal exp. these calls were tremendously reduced by doing this. Previously i was geting 5 to 7 calls a day. now i am getting only 3 to 4 calls a week.

    All the best !

  6. You can complain from the DO NOT CALL web page.

    Go here:

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