
Where do I find a Windshield for a 1962 Owens 14ft. Boat?

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Shape Round 57.5 Inches Wide From end to end from side to side




  1. Being rounded (I think I understand and have seen these) it may be hard. You could browse old boat restoration and forums and may find one. One good thing, back then many windshields were more generic, as most would fit other boats and they still can today.

    I am curious, it is Safety Glass and not a type of Plexiglass???

    I am building a few boats for a hobby and search for different ideas and materials resources on the Inet. If, I run across anything that may be of help, I will put you a link here, if, no one else finds something.

    Just for thought. The link is a 16' (Not sure the windshield is original) but, if all else fails you may be able to find one like this and make it work. Also, years ago I had an Arrowglass Spider runabout and just removed the windshield and it looked good.

    Another though is find places like this;

    They do restorations and may know some leads to finding your windshield.

  2. Taylormade is still in business in NY state, look it up and give them a call, you may be suprised. I have restored a few, and although not a perfect fit they can get you really close.


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